Oct 12, 2013

"God Approves Of Everyone", Gays, Liars, Thieves, Murderers, Hitler, Stalin, Charles Manson etc

Common Sense Commentary:  I will punctuate this article  with my own commentary in purple, in answer to Joel Osteen's comments. RB

God “absolutely” approves of everyone — including homosexuals — declared one of America’s most well-known evangelical pastors
The Houston megapastor and best-selling author Joel Osteen, whose followers include the likes of Cher and Oprah Winfrey, is hitting the talk-show circuit to promote his new book, “Break Out! 5 Keys to Go Beyond Your Barriers and Live an Extraordinary Life.

First, you don't call Joel Osteen an "Evangelical". He is theologically liberal.
Osteen could have said, "God absolutely loves everyone", and been correct; But to say "God absolutely approves of everyone" is to say He approved of Adolph Hitler, Stalin, Charles Manson, rapists, sexual perverts and murderers, which the Bible clearly contradicts.  If God "approves" of everyone, then everyone goes to heaven, there is no sin, no Satan and no hell." God's love may be unconditional but His "approval" is not. To say otherwise is a direct contradiction of the Scriptures. RB    
Osteen, the very visible face of Lakewood Church in Houston since 1999,  talked to the Huffington Post about his thoughts on prayer, the pope and the homosexual lifestyle.
HuffPo Live host Josh Zepps quoted from Osteen’s new book: “It doesn’t matter who likes you or who doesn’t like you, all that matters is God likes you. He accepts you, he approves of you.”
Zepps followed up by asking if that included homosexuals.

Pastor Joel Osteen
“Absolutely,” Osteen insisted, “I believe that God has breathed his life into every single person. We’re all on a journey. Nobody’s perfect.”

The discussion here is whether God Approves of everyone or not. It has nothing to do with the fact that God created everyone, and breathed life into everyone, and even loves every one's eternal soul.  Neither does it have to do with the fact that "none of us are perfect"... we are not. The Question is, does God approve of Homosexuality, sexual abusers, murderers thieves and Criminals in general. If He approves of these things, what are the ten commandments all about. Why did Jesus rebuke Hypocrisy, Self-Righteousness and sin of every type? RB

Osteen, who oversees a congregation of 45,000 followers, stated all people must be acknowledged for who they are and expressed reluctance to “categorize” sin.
“The Bible said a sin is pride, a sin is selfish ambition. We tend to pick out these certain things,” he said.

Why mention "pride" and "ambition" as sins when the subject is homosexuality? Why introduce "sin-lite" and leave out adultery, homosexuality, all of the ten commandments and the thing Jesus seemed to hold in lowest regard .... religious hypocrites? Strange!

Americans were told the LGBT agenda was just the next stage of the Civil Rights movement. Who knew it would end up with the prosecution and criminalization of vast numbers of Christians? It’s already happening – big time. Read about it in “THE NEW SEXUAL REVOLUTION: How the ‘gay rights’ movement has become a Trojan Horse for totalitarianism.
“But I believe every person is made in the image of God, and you have to accept them as they are, on their journey. I’m not here to be preaching hate, pushing people down. I’m not here telling people what they’re doing wrong.”
Osteen has said numerous times that he believes living a homosexual lifestyle is a sin in accordance with his understanding of Christian scripture.
In an appearance on Fox News Sunday in 2012, Osteen discussed his position on homosexuality by telling host Chris Wallace that he “doesn’t dislike anybody” and believes gays are some of “most loving people in the world,” despite his strongly held conviction that homosexuality is a sin.
“I believe the scripture says that being gay is a sin. But, you know, every time I say that, Chris … people say, well, you are a gay hater and you’re a gay basher,” Osteen told Wallace during the interview. “I’m not. I don’t – I don’t dislike anybody. Gays are some of the nicest, kindest, most loving people in the world. But my faith is based on what I believe the scripture says, and that’s the way I read the scripture.”
This is the lowest blow of all. Yes, we were all made in the image of God, but that is the point. He wants us to walk worthy of our calling, receive His redemption from the guilt of sin and grow in Christlikeness and He will not accept perverters of His word and unredeemed sinners into His presence.  Osteen says, "You have to accept them as they are." Does that include bestiality and all other types of perversion? "That's just the way they are" won't by-pass God's judgement.  Then Osteen says, "I'm not here to be preaching hate". This is the lie Liberals use in their attack on Christians who believe Homosexuality is simply wrong, like a lot of other things. No Christian I know, who disagrees with homosexuality, hates homosexuals. I don't hate them; I simply adhere to God's word in Rom.1:26-28..."For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.  And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient..."  Now Osteen does not have to believe these verses, or preach them, but even he must admit they are in the Bible as part of God's word and he will answer to God for his handling of it. How he gets around them, I cannot imagine.  But to accuse those of us who do believe and preach them, of preaching hate, reveals much more about him than it does about those he accuses... who do not hate homosexuals but cannot condone what they do to each other.  I will close with that. RB

The Article continues....
Believe it or not, the Bible does NOT say you’re meant to float on a cloud, doing nothing but playing a harp forever. Your destiny is far greater and more glorious. Find out why God REALLY created you. Get details in the autographed bestseller, “The Divine Secret: The Awesome and Untold Truth About Your Phenomenal Destiny.”
Osteen also discussed Pope Francis during the Huffington Post interview, saying he appreciates the pontiff’s inclusive nature.
“I think the pope is fantastic, his tone, his humility,” he said.
“We may not agree 100 percent on doctrine and theology, but the Catholic Church, our church, it’s open for everybody. I like his tone, not pushing people away.”
A caller during the live interview asked Osteen to give his definition of spirituality and religion.
“I do think that religion has turned a lot of people off. Part of it is because it was all about the rules and was political. I think now people have a hunger for God, they want to have a relationship, but they don’t want to be called religious. I’m not trying to get them to join my religion, I’m just trying to plant a seed of hope in their heart.”
As WND reported, Osteen was once the victim of an elaborate hoax that suggested he was quitting his church and abandoning his faith. Osteen was in fact not quitting, despite several phony websites, news stories and even a YouTube video declaring otherwise.
The pastor wasn’t immune from criticism during his Huffington Post interview.
A caller chastised him for preaching about the power of praying for “things.”
Osteen agreed in part: “I don’t think you should spend your life praying for things, but I do believe you should thank God for what He’s given you. I think the scripture teaches us that we can pray for our dreams, pray for the big things. He’s not a small God; this God is incredible.”

God's Comment from Romans 1:22-28.....

"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.  Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient."

Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/10/joel-osteen-god-approves-of-homosexuals/#WhOru6lQwbc5pOpO.99

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