Oct 7, 2013

If You Need To Raise Your Debt Limit... I Can Help You

Common Sense Commentary:  "The rich ruleth over the poor, and the borrower is servant to the lender." Prov.22:7.

I read an Associated Press article this morning entitled,
 "Families hoard cash 5 yrs after crisis".  Has the news media lost all track of sanity and reality?  The word "hoard" has always been a derogatory term. Anyone accused of "hoarding" was being equated with a greedy, selfish, wicked miser. During WWII it was a crime worthy of prosecution. It was an accusation equal to a promiscuous, street walker woman who had been arrested for selling her body.... if not worse. Hoarding was almost as bad as treason, during war-time.  Now the word has wormed it's way into our vocabulary as a replacement for a historically honorable and wise word.... "savings". Saving some of your earnings and resources, instead of squandering them, has always been one of the most respected traits a person could have.  Now, the media makes it sound like a mental condition or a Post Traumatic Stress Disorder  or something unreasonable.  Even our government is constantly brain-washing the public to get out there and spend, spend, spend to give our national economy the transfusion it needs to save our souls. Any person with a modicum of intelligence knows that "saving for a rainy day" is a good thing and debt is a dangerous thing.  I'm not talking about "loving" money, "the root of all evil", I'm talking about loving your family,  guarding your integrity, protecting your credit rating, foresight and using your head.  Being prepared for an unforeseen crisis so you won't have to depend on your friends or relatives to bail you out because you didn't have the character to stop spending and save some of your own earnings. Why doesn't that make sense anymore?  Have the spendthrift demons gained complete control of our government and it's servile news media, which has led us by our noses to the fulfillment of the prophet's warning ...."Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!" Isa.5:20.

Here is the best of the best video I've seen on the subject of raising our debt ceiling:


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