Oct 22, 2013

Running Away From God Is All Down Hill And An Easy Path To The Bottomless Pig Pen Of Sin

Common Sense Commentary: Before you draw a bottom line and sum up a person, a book, a letter or an article, be sure to read the last chapter, paragraph and sentence or your conclusion may be wrong.

People spend their lives searching the world in distant places for the great experience, the perfect mate, the ideal job, fulfillment, satisfaction and a thousand other hopes and dreams .... and never find what they seek though it is right there in their own backyard..... They can't see it because they are looking in all the wrong places. They take what they have for granted ... as common and unexciting. If they would just open their minds to reality, and let their eyes see in full circle, they might see that God has already placed right there near them .... not only what is God's will for them but what is the very best for them as well.  There is a little book called, "Acres Of Diamonds" which tells of a discontent man who wanted riches and all wealth could buy. So he sold his little farm and went into the world searching here and there for his dream of wealth. He spent his life and youth looking for satisfaction and wealth .... while back home, the man who bought his little farm discovered the richest diamond mine in the country ... right there .... on that little farm. Contentment with what we have is far better than a driving ambition for more and more, when we really don't need that much, and may not even be possible.

The Apostle Paul, before he was converted, had the best education, was successful in worldly things such as riches, and had deep religious conviction , but he was not content until He turned to Christ and found peace and forgiveness .... right there, on the Road to Damascus, he found the Lord and he found himself. He later testified ...."I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content. I know both how to be abased, and I know how to abound: every where and in all things I am instructed both to be full and to be hungry, both to abound and to suffer need. I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me." Phil. 4:11-13.

The prodigal son, while operating on his own restless immaturity, ambitions, greed and youthful ignorance, demanded his inheritance from his father and went out into the world seeking adventure and fleshly satisfaction. It was an easy journey.... down hill all the way to the pig pen where he lost everything, including his inheritance and his foolish pride. His lust was all burned out; he was hungry, dirty and lost. Then, by God's grace, he "came to himself" and saw how foolish he had been. He arose from the pig pen and returned home, but now it was all up-hill, a long and difficult trip back to reality.... a working farm from whence he had fled earlier. Now, he repented of his folly and his sin and asked his father for a job, not as an owner and heir, but as a hired hand. His father was forgiving and restored him to the family. You know the rest of the story.

Could God be gently moving in your heart to return to His perfect will for you, where only is perfect peace, worthy purpose and spiritual satisfaction?  If you are a dis-satisfied youth, you might be wise to consider the possibility that your best destiny may be right there in your own home-town. Then again, maybe not, but only God knows. RB

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