Nov 22, 2013

There Are Two Sides To Every Holy Day... Christian And Counterfeit

Common Sense Commentary:  "And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, choose you this day whom ye will serve; whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." Joshua 24:15.

I have often mentioned the fact that Satan has counterfeited every single holy thing, of God, from false gods, false Christs, false churches, false Christians, false bibles, false prophets,  false doctrine, false spirits, false experiences, false Holy Days, and so on.

Coming up are the three supposedly Christian "Holy Days" in America. There are two distinctly different views of these Holidays. The first holiday is seen, by some, as a time of "Thanksgiving" to God for His abundant blessings; and as "Turkey Day" by others... who can't seem to bear calling it what it is ... "Thanksgiving" or Giving Thanks to God. The media and most businesses jump from the wild and woolly Halloween celebration, with all it's witches, goblins and dark symbolism.... completely ignoring Thanksgiving .... to a Christless Christmas.

"Christmas", is celebrated by some, as a time of remembrance of the birth of Jesus, shepherds coming to Him, and wise men bringing gifts to Him and worshiping Him. On the other side are those thinking Santa Clause, reindeer and exchanging gifts with each other. The former put up nativity scenes; the latter put up Santa on the roof and send Xmas cards. Strangely they X Christ out of Christmas, the only word in the English language where the most meaningful part of it is X'ed out. It is now politically incorrect to say "Merry Christmas", at Christmas, but correct to say, "Happy Holidays". After all, what does Christ have to do with it?

And then there are those who recognize Easter as a time  to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus from the grave, on the one side, and, on the other, those who see Easter as a time to buy a new outfit, and tell the children about the Easter Rabbit and Easter Eggs. Christ is given little notice in Thanksgiving, Christmas or Easter by the majority of Americans. Though they are not the exact dates of the original, pilgrim's celebration, or birthday of Jesus, or of His resurrection, it matters not. I'm for celebrating those events every day including Halloween, National Atheists Day, and Ground-hog Day.

 The way a person thinks of these "Holy Days" reveals more than they know about themselves and their priorities. Can you do both? Well, maybe so, but where is your emphasis? Our emphasis will be revealed by the time, effort and money we invest in our favorite of the two sides of Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter. Jesus said, "....Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also." Lk.12:34.
He also said, "He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth." Lk.11:23.

I'm sorry if I have offended you, but ask yourself, "What does Jesus think" about the real meaning of Thanksgiving, Christmas and Easter as compared to the counterfeits. Imagine God looking down on the scene ... What does He think about what He sees most us emphasizing on these supposedly "Holy Days" ?  The truth is, every day is a good time to express our thanksgiving to God and celebrate Christ's birth into this world, and His resurrection from the dead. RB

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