Dec 6, 2013

House Republican Leader, Boehner, Leads The Way Into The Abyss

Common Sense Commentary: I have a file of quotes from my friends. One of the best, which applies to House Republican Leader John Boehner's anemic resistance to ObamaCare, is this one from a friend and former church member, where I pastored, Elaine Merritt, who also has a blog. Here is her quote: "Unless the Speaker of the House, John Boehner, defunds “Obamacare,” it will soon be referred to as: "Boehnercare!" – Elaine Merritt. 

I use Elaine's quote here after just reading Business Insider, Brett Logiurato's  article (sent me by my friend Rob Storey) revealing the fact that Republican Leader, Boehner, has signed up for ObamaCare ... successfully. God deliver us from both parties ... and the devil and rattlesnakes too.  RB

John Boehner Has Officially Signed Up For Insurance Through Obamacare
BRETT LOGIURATO NOV. 21, 2013, 6:12 PM 5,382 19

House Speaker John Boehner has officially enrolled in a D.C. insurance exchange under the Affordable Care Act, he said in a blog post on his website Thursday evening, after having some difficulty signing up earlier in the afternoon.

"Like many Americans, my experience was pretty frustrating," he wrote of his experience at first, a reference to the dysfunction that has plagued the exchange websites since their launch
"After putting in my personal information, I received an error message.  I was able to work past that, but when I went to actually sign up for coverage, I got this 'internal server error' screen."
In his original blog post, he wrote that he had put a call into the help desk. A short while later, he added an update: 
"Kept at it, and called the DC Health Link help line. They called back a few hours later, and after re-starting the process on the website two more times, I just heard from DC Health Link that I have been successfully enrolled."
Brendan Buck, Boehner's press secretary, joked that "sure didn't take long after the blog post."
The federal health care law requires members to enroll in D.C. exchanges. 

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Besides supporting ObamaCare, signing up for it and stealing credit for it as BoehnerCare, he has also just out flip-flopped Obama with a double back-flip ... the homosexual issue. He is now leading the Republican Party to get more gays in Republican Public offices ... off two cliffs at once.

This may win him a second new title .... Republocrat. RB

John Boehner says GOP should support gay candidates: ‘I do’

By Cheryl K. Chumley


The Washington Times
Speaker John Boehner said the Republican Party ought to openly support gay candidates — a blunt statement that’s sure to ratchet up tensions among traditional conservatives who see the GOP as straying from core principles and wading into political territories held by Democrats.
Mr. Boehner’s exact words, reported by Politico: Republicans should not only “be a little more sensitive” when running against women candidates, but they should also support openly gay individuals who are seeking higher office.
“I do,” he said, in reference to supporting gays for Republican seats, Politico reported.
“Some of our members just aren’t as sensitive as they ought to be,” Mr. Boehner said, speaking to media reports that said Rep. Randy Forbes, from Virginia, was trying to convince the National Republican Congressional Committee to hold back funding from any candidates who were gay.

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1 comment:

  1. I suspect most dead democrats that has been in the grave more than 30 years are "turning over in their grave" as they realize they were more conservative than most of todays spineless republicans.
    "Where are the statesman"?


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