Dec 10, 2013

LiberalSocialism As Hard To Swallow As -135.8 Below Zero...Global Warming

Common Sense Commentary: The Liberal Socialists just about had the world convinced that the  entire earth was getting hotter and this would cause the oceans to rise and coastal cities would be inundated, farm lands would shrink into dry dust and millions of humans would die as a result. Therefore we needed a carbon tax to be charged to the developed countries and given to the poor undeveloped countries since they don't cause carbon but cook over open fires and burn off forests to make farm land and use outhouses. The Liberal Socialists accused us as "carbon creators" and called it "Global Warming".... But, then, a decade ago, it stopped getting hotter and started getting cooler ... so they  dumped "Global Warming" and renamed it "Climate Change" which would make them right whatever the weather might be. Of course anyone with one eye and half sense knows that there has always been "Climate Change", and anyone who reads the Bible knows there always shall be. God's word declares it so .... "While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease." Genesis 8:22. There has always been  Warming in the two hemisphere's Summer months and Cooling in their winter months. Geological studies have also shown Global warming and Global cooling for extended periods of time, worldwide, and alternating between the two.... warming for a period of years and then cooling for a time. Then, Al Gore, who invented the Internet, comes on the scene.  God deliver us from self-appointed geniuses and idiots who swear they will "change" the world. Now we have a more recent version "changing" things. RB

Today's Headlines:

CHICAGO (CBS) – Temperatures dipped below zero overnight, the earliest it has been that cold in Chicago in 18 years.

 Antarctica sets historic record of -135.8 below zero

WASHINGTON (AP) — Feeling chilly? Here's cold comfort: You could be in East Antarctica which new data says set a record for "soul-crushing" cold. Try 135.8 degrees Fahrenheit below zero; that's 93.2 degrees below zero Celsius, which sounds only slightly toastier. Better yet, don't try it. That's so cold scientists say it hurts to breathe. A new look at NASA satellite data revealed that Earth set a new record for coldest temperature recorded. It happened in August 2010 when it hit -135.8 degrees. Then on July 31 of this year, it came close again: -135.3 degrees.

December 13, 2013, 4:28 a.m.

CAIRO -- Snow coated domes and minarets Friday as a record Mideast storm compounded the suffering of Syrian refugees, sent the Israeli army scrambling to dig out stranded motorists and gave Egyptians a rare glimpse of snow in their capital.
Nearly three feet of snow closed roads in and out of Jerusalem, which is set in high hills, and thousands in and around the city were left without power. Israeli soldiers and police rescued  hundreds trapped in their cars by snow and ice. In the West Bank, the branches of olive trees groaned under the weight of snow.
In Cairo, where local news reports said the last recorded snowfall was more than 100 years ago, children in outlying districts capered in white-covered streets, and adults marveled at the sight, tweeting pictures of snow-dusted parks and squares. In other parts of the city, rain and hail rocketed down.,0,1691393.story#ixzz2nNL2c5pp

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