Dec 14, 2013

Neither Ability Nor Availability Are The Main Thing

Common Sense Commentary: I once heard a great preacher say that "God is not interested in ability but availability".  I agree that it is true that availability is more important than ability. However, neither ability nor availability are elements of character. Ability is a noteworthy and very beneficial talent in a person. It can make a living for you .... IF it is cultivated, educated and coupled with character. Many a person with huge ability, but none of the character traits to drive and guide their capability, accomplish little or nothing worthwhile in life. Even if an able and talented person is available, if the dynamics of character are absent, their ability and availability are not useful. There are 394 words in the dictionary which end in "ability". There are that many kinds of ability or disability. They are not all useful and many can be destructive if employed. All the religions, businesses and organizations in the world are seeking people with capability, affability, agreeability, desirability, electability, profitability or vulnerability; but not God. "He delighteth not in the strength of the horse: he taketh not pleasure in the legs of a man. The LORD taketh pleasure in them that fear (reverence) him, in those that hope in his mercy."  Psm. 147:10-11.

Edwin Cole writes:  "Availability is not the greatest need in business or ministry; teachability is.  A person may be available, but if he cannot be taught, or is not willing to learn, it's no wonder he is available."  I like that, and it is true that teachability is more important than ability or availability."

Actually, though, there are many other elements of character which are at least as important as teachability.  Some of them are adaptability, durability, accountability, dependability and reliability. God blesses each person with certain unique abilities, talents and gifts with which to serve Him and that includes our employment, our careers, our home-life, as well as through our church and personal witness. God is not looking for ability so much, in those who serve Him, as He is looking for faithfulness and good character. Dr. Os Hillman said it this way, "One thing God does not need is our skills and abilities. However, He does give us the privilege to exercise our gifts and abilities for His service. That service may be as a computer technician, a secretary, an ironworker, or even a lawyer. God calls each of us to our vocations to work unto Him. To believe that He needs our skills to accomplish His mission on earth would be to lower our understanding of an all-encompassing and all-powerful God. The psalmist tells us that His pleasure is not in our strength and ability, but His pleasure is in the attitude of the heart."

All of the ability, talent, mental and physical power, good looks and personality in the world are of no use to God unless they are encased in a mind and heart submissive and committed to Him and His will and purpose for their use. So invest your God given abilities, talents and gifts in His service, on the job, at home and in His church. RB

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