Jan 20, 2014

Evolution Vs. Creation Is The Initial Battleground, Faith The Final One

Common Sense Commentary: "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth." Gen.1:1.

Atheists invented evolution as an alternative to having to believe in creation. For if one believes in creation, it is a given that they must therefore believe in a Creator... God.  There are only those two choices as to how we and everything else in the universe got here. There are not three ... just two. One is true and the other is false. It is a simple matter of each person being initially confronted by this eternal, question, a yes or no test. Your answer to this question determines the direction of your thought processes, your heart's desire and which direction your life will flow. It is a pivot point to your eternity. If you acknowledge the truth of universal Creation, you are acknowledging a Creator and answering "yes" to Him.... not to salvation but to His reality. This is a very critical point in our lives.
This "Creator" attitude will be followed by a second question .... If there is a Creator God, He must have a purpose for His creation .... including us. How can I know God's purpose? Has He given us a revelation of His will for us? It is inconceivable that He would create the universe, the earth and us without letting us know why we are here and what He wants us to be and to do. Therefore, what and where is that revelation, that message from God? This searching hunger for God's will brings a person face to face with the religions of the world. They cannot all be true, so is there one among them which has the message of God to the human race? At this point in the search of our souls for God's will and word, we are confronted with the question, "Is the Holy Bible God's word?".  Another "Yes or No" question. If, after your questioning, searching, seeking and asking this unknown Creator God to show you the truth, and you determine that the Bible is the only reasonable answer, and so you acknowledge that the Holy Bible has to be God's word, you are again opening your heart to Him with a "Yes God", I believe the Bible is your word.  You see, if you do not believe the Bible is God's word, you have no other sure record of the Gospel of Jesus Christ upon which your faith must stand, and ....without faith it is impossible to please him...." Heb. 11:6.  Faith in Christ has just one source ... the Holy Scriptures. "So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the word of God." Rom.10:17.  So you are now faced with the most critical of all questions.  The central message and revelation of both Old and New Testaments is, God revealed in Jesus Christ as our Creator, Savior, Lord and Eternal God. So how will you respond to the greatest of all questions ... What will you do with Jesus Christ? Will you, in repentance of your sins,  believe and accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior?  Yes or No? An "I don't know" is not an acceptable answer and will not pass the test. Go back to our text book, the Bible. Read the four Gospels again .... "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved...." Acts 16:31. RB

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