Jan 31, 2014

Far, Far Away

Common Sense Commentary: When your memories are most of all you've got, and reach back nearly 100 years to .... people and places .... long gone and far, far away, and most of what you love is ignored or ridiculed by the majority, and you cannot conceive of rap as music or lust as love or the attraction of dope and porn, and the whole world seems bent on it's own destruction, and world leaders are the very worst of people, and almost all of those you loved most are now gone .... Well, I guess its about time for me too ... to pass on to that better place where all my memories have gone, and leave what's left to those who love what I do not. The Anti-Christ can have it ... til Jesus and heaven come down to purge it clean and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord .... after all. RB

Click here: Far Away - YouTube

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