Jan 5, 2014

Formula For "The Real Meaning Of Money"

Common Sense Commentary:

If ME equals one McDonalds Employee, and H equals one Hour of that employee's Life, and PL equals his Physical Life which is his time, talent, and energy, and F equals Food (a Mom cooked meal, not steak, lobster, caviar or soda, for a family of four, and T equals Ten $ per work hour, here is the formula.... ME -HPL = +T = +F = +PL.  The formula reads like this, A McDonalds Employee gives one Hour of his/her Life (time, talent, energy) to gain an equivalent Ten dollars of currency which buys, or equals, Food for his/her family, which barely provides Physical Life for his/her family for one half of a day. If both mom and dad work, each letter of the formula is squared.

My point is this. Money is not a piece of paper. Real money is gold and silver. Currency is an IOU or a bank note and a means of convenient exchange of one important thing for another important thing. Currency and coins make it possible to carry about, in one's pocket the equivalent of pieces of one's physical life (time talent energy) which cost him some of his physical life to earn. This simplifies needful exchange or bargaining  so one doesn't have to work for each and every business or provider of the many necessities of physical life. Those necessities of physical life are things like food, water, shelter, clothing, electricity, transportation, a bed, medicine and so on. In this modern world, money is as essential, and is the exact equivalent of those necessities of life. Few people could survive without some source of income.

That being said, it is ignorance to condemn money honestly earned. It is the inordinate "love of money" which is the root of all evil, not money itself.  Even Jesus used money and so does every church and Christian on earth. If that is sin .... stop doing it and see what happens. It has also long been a means of making offerings and sacrifices to God ... through His church, which is a holy thing to do, and which also God commands. Mal.3:10, Luke 6:38

Considering the above, to steal another person's money or possessions is stealing parts of their life, their time, talent and energy. Stealing a person's life is a wicked sin and the reason God's eighth commandment forbids it. "Thou shalt not steal". Ex.20:15. Do not underestimate the divine consequences of stealing. In more difficult times of past history, stealing was a capital offence (death sentence). Two guilty thieves were crucified with the innocent Jesus.

So the bottom line is .... In today's world, currency, either physical or digital, is an absolute essential for a honest person, who doesn't steal, to carry on business and pay for the necessities of life. The only evil or good related to money is in the head and heart of each person's thoughts of it. Thinking of it as an honest tool, representing your time, talent and energy, to pay for things other people have supplied by their time, talent and energy, is good. Thinking of it lustfully and conspiring to cheat or steal it from those who have worked for it, so you don't have to work for it, it evil. Someone has sacrificed and labored for every bite of food, glass of water, and every penny anyone on earth consumes or spends.RB

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