Jan 7, 2014

The Very Best Education Is Pain, Time And Common Sense

Common Sense Commentary: I graduated valedictorian from Seminary and over my years as a pastor received two honorary doctorates, but I learned more in the School Of Hard Knocks than in any formal education offered, and even more from my parents, Alma and Robert Lee Blair. That was the old fashioned type "home-schooling". My home, the Bible and the School Of Hard Knocks have been the primary curriculum of whatever my degree of learning might be. Therefore, I claim those three schools as my "Alma Mater", and truly, Alma was my mother, and Robert Lee Blair my father.  I failed the third grade and didn't even graduate from High School, but joined the United States Marine Corps  at sixteen, when my School Of Hard Knocks education shifted into high gear and continues to this day.  It was that school of blisters, sweat, pain and tears university that taught me in the reverse, negative to positive, method. That means that what they taught me was so opposite to human nature, difficult and painful, that I learned a lot more about how not to do a thing than how to do it. For instance, the School Of Hard Knocks taught me the proper posture for accomplishment. That particular course required me to "Keep my eye on the ball, my ear to the ground, my nose in the wind, my shoulder to the wheel, my hands busy and my feet on solid ground". In that configuration I had great success in fast ball injuries to my head, dirt in by ears, a dry sore nose, dislocated shoulders, calloused hands and painful fallen arches. Even my toes hurt. So, after the fact, I learned well how not to do too many good things at once and not try to always look good while doing them. "No pain, no gain" and "whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap" were good information to have for the long, difficult years ahead of this young preacher. At 83, those painful lessons are still with me ... in every joint, muscle and ligament. My highest degree is written on my hyde.

Much of what is taught in more accepted, reputable,and certified schools and college is even more conflicting, confusing, ridiculous and ruinous to student's souls .... if not to their bodies. I'm thankful for my scars. They educated me, and put wrinkles on my brain, face and body. Thank you Lord for real education .... but I am looking forward to graduation.  RB

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