Feb 9, 2014

A Story Of PartyPig Masters, Quislings, PartyPigs And Share Croppers

Common Sense Commentary: Once upon a time there was a very rich PartyPig Master "Rancher" (PPMR), whose hirelings did all the dirty work, tending , worming, housing, feeding, birthing and pacifying their Master's millions of private partypigs. The elitist PartyPig Master waved constantly to his distant pigs from his big White House (mansion actually) and supplied all the slop and good grain his partypigs could gobble up and swill down, which his hirelings had stolen from the share croppers... as good food for deserving pigs. The PPMR and his hirelings ate their royal shares, and passed the left-over scraps to the Master's hoard of obese partypigs. The share croppers, who selfishly liked to be called tax paying, working citizens, had a hard time making ends meet when all those partypigs were feeding on one end and their PartyPig Master and his quislings on the other.

One day the rich PartyPig Master's share croppers discovered he didn't own their land, they farmed for him, his quislings and his partypigs, but the land had been left to them by their forefathers in a long lost will titled "The Constitution".  This discovery brought them swarming like angry bees down upon the elitist PartyPig Master and his quislings. They physically evicted him from their inherited big White House and all his quisling hirelings from their official offices,  private cafeterias, private barber shops, private gymnasiums, vacation resorts and put them all on Obamacare for life. Then, as the rightful owners of the ranch, farm et al, they picked the noblest and best among them to lead them and sent their former PartyPig Master to the Big Pig Pen at Leavenworth, and those hundreds of thousands of ravenous partypigs to work plowing the fertile fields, earning their keep.  And all the share croppers lived happily ever after, as owners of their land; and those once lazy partypigs were forced to earn their own living and work hard .... so, in time, they grew in self-respect, health, home-life and even became land owners and patriots.  It's not a fairy tale.  RB.

This verse proves things haven't changed much in the last 2000 years:
"For even when we were with you, this we commanded you, that if any would not work, neither should he eat. For we hear that there are some which walk among you disorderly, working not at all, but are busybodies. Now them that are such we command and exhort by our Lord Jesus Christ, that with quietness they work, and eat their own bread.  But ye, brethren, be not weary in well doing." 2 Thess.3:10-13.

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