Feb 2, 2014

One Generation Away From Apostacy

Common Sense Commentary: Please tell me how America descended all the way from President Reagan to President Obama in such a short period of time. Have the American voters really lost that much integrity in those few years? It has all the marks of an evil miracle and it will require a divine miracle to reverse our national trend into ignominious secularism. The day of Christ is at hand, but it will be preceded by a falling away first. After that is the rise of the Anti-Christ and the Rapture of Christians into heaven, followed by the seven years of Tribulation on earth.  Praise God it doesn't end with the Great Tribulation but Christ returns to earth, with his saints, conquers the powers of darkness and sets up His Thousand Year Millennial Kingdom, so do not be disheartened, Christian. Christ and we win the in the final chapter. Read it for yourself , Revelation 21 ... after you read these verses and watch the video below. RB

Do not miss this video....

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