Mar 14, 2014

A Dark Cloud Of Black Swans Are Circling Above Us All

Common Sense Commentary: What is a "Black Swan" event ?  Black swan events are typically random and unexpected. For example, the previously successful hedge fund Long Term Capital Management (LTCM) was driven into the ground as a result of the ripple effect caused by the Russian government's debt default. The Russian government's default represents a black swan event because none of LTCM's computer models could have predicted this event and its subsequent effects. From Investopedia

Another way of explaining a "Black Swan" event is to say, "It is a very precarious international event which happens at a key moment, and has the potential of spontaneously igniting a volatile economic or political atmosphere among nations, followed by a calamitous series of explosive reactions." From R.BlairOpedia.

There are, at this moment in time, a whole series of "Black Swans" circling over the world like vultures arriving above the dying carcass of a huge beast, and awaiting its last trembling breath or kick, to sweep down upon it.

Muslim countries threaten to wipe Israel off the map with Holocaust #2.  Israel threatens a nuclear response if the Muslims try it, or maybe even a preemptive nuclear strike. 

Obama threatens to cut off Chinese goods if they try to make their yuan the world reserve currency to replace the U.S. dollar. China threatens to dump $17 trillion of U.S. treasury debt if the U.S. interferes.

Obama and NATO threaten Russia's Putin with sanctions if Russia invades the Ukraine. Putin threatens to default on $billions in U.S. loans, and to demand payment in gold, from Europe, for Russian oil & gas if they interfere with Russia's dealing with neighboring Ukraine.

There is a world crisis of currency wars between nations, a world crisis in interest rates, a world crisis at BIS, IMF, the World Bank, and in potential hyper-inflation, deflation or depression.

There is also a world crisis with unassimilated,  rebelious Muslims immigrated into nations around the world, an unemployment crisis and a world food production and water shortage crisis.

With all of that, who needs a hyped-up, bogeyman, make-believe, "Global Warming" crisis. We still have record heat waves from 100 years ago, before auto carbon emissions,  which haven't been broken yet. But there are a whole gaggle of circling "Black Swan" events, any one of which might ignite world-wide chaos, like the straw that broke the camel's back, under just the right circumstances, at the right moment and place. It may not even be the largest or most volatile of events which sets it off, not the powder keg but the fuse or spark, not the missile but the little trigger or the Dutch boy's finger removed from the hole in the dike.

I bring all of this to your attention, if it isn't already, to forewarn those who are unmindful or neglectfully unprepared in both physical and spiritual needs, but primarily in the spiritual needs. Are you absolutely certain you are saved, redeemed, born again by the grace of God through faith in Jesus Christ? Are we actively serving our Lord by our words, prayers and actions? None of us do those things to perfection, but we must be about the Master's business. Every Christian's testimony is vital. We must be honest and open faced Christian witnesses. We must tell others of what Christ has done for us and will do for them. We must find a faithful, Bible teaching, preaching, loving church and be faithful and supportive of it. If you are not in such a church .... find one. The Lord has not left us with only dead or Barnum and Bailey, three ring circus type churches. There are still real, Bible oriented, loving, worshiping, churches "prevailing".... as Jesus promised. We must be regularly in prayer and worship of God. We must be wise, prudent and pragmatic in our preparations as good stewards and faithful ambassadors for Christ. 

My dear friends, the whole world is set up for a "Black Swan" event setting off a horrendous fall which will bring in a world dictator revealed in Scripture as the Anti-Christ. Prepare for the great falling away and trials leading up to the Rapture of all Christians, followed by the world Tribulation and final days recorded in The Revelation of Jesus Christ. Only after that .... His Millennial Kingdom and our eternal home ... in heaven.  Then we can rest. RB

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