Mar 19, 2014

All In The Control Of Professionals

Common Sense Commentary:  At least as much destruction, loss of lives, loss of fortunes, loss of freedom and loss of empires has been caused by the "professionals" in charge, as have been caused by the absence of professionals. The professionals have been responsible for all of the wars which have ever been fought. Professional Politicians, who were supposed to work, legislate and vote for those things which would be for the strengthening of the nation and ultimately best for the nation's citizens, most often betray their constituents, their oaths, promises and consciences. This they do in order to appease the greedy element of their constituents to secure their own elected offices, and enrich themselves. Professional Ministers, of Religion, have betrayed common sense, logic and their calling in order to insert their own perverted, Liberal ideas of Socialism in place of the individual freedom God's word proclaims in Christ. Professional CEOs and Boards of Directors of  big Business Corporations and international Bankers have betrayed their trust and sold their souls for status, power, fame and secret agendas, at the expense of the grass roots, common, working people.  To you tax paying, hard working, Christian readers, you might still do all right, in eternity, if you put your savings, or even your lives, into the hands of the Professionals, but don't you dare put our U.S. Constitution, your children or mine, or your eternal souls into the hands of the so called "Professionals".... government or otherwise.  If you have jumped on board the RINO Republican or Socialist Democrat, Obama freight train, hoping to escape a hard-work living and your God given responsibilities ... jump off quick .... before their train stops in the tunnel up ahead. RB

All In The Control Of Professionals

By Art Cashin 

 “In 1944, in the pre-dawn chill, a freight train pulled out of Balvano, Italy.  Now this was not a particularly good year if you lived in Balvano...or anywhere in Italy.  As you history majors will recall, 1944 was a very active year in something called World War II.  The Allies had landed in Anzio and were busy killing Italians to get them to surrender.  Meanwhile, the Nazis were busy killing Italians to prevent them from surrendering.  Thus the over/under on being a current Italian citizen was not quite a chalk bet.
That brings us back to Balvano and this day.  As that freight train pulled out, several hundred of the local folks, hoping to find a place better or safer, scrambled aboard the freight as it slowed on its first upgrade.
But the train was not quite the Silver Bullet.  As it chugged along, it labored and labored behind its double locomotives.  You must was war time...the locomotives were like Spam cans and the coal was somewhere between Bituminous #1 and kitty litter.
So, it was little wonder that when the train reached its steepest incline ...inside the long tunnel into Mt. Armi, it ground to a halt.  Some think the train crew simply decided to wait and re-stoke the locomotive fires.  In the meantime, aboard the train, atop the boxcars and inside them, people slept soundly dreaming dreams of escaping trouble.  But as the crew waited and the stowaways slept, the locomotives belched carbon monoxide into the tunnel.  In less than an hour, the crew and 420 free-riding passengers of this freight train lay dead in one of the worst train calamities in history.  No crash.  No falling bridge.  No derailment.  Just a 45 minute delay.  All in the control of railroad and political professionals.

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