Mar 1, 2014

Not Retiring May Be Your Key To Longevity And Success

Common Sense Commentary: "How long wilt thou sleep, O sluggard? when wilt thou arise out of thy sleep?  Go to the ant, thou sluggard; consider her ways, and be wise: The sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest, and have nothing. The soul of the sluggard  desireth, and hath nothing: but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat." Proverbs ... This is true.

The way things are going, economically, in the U.S. and nearly every where else on earth, except Mississauga, Canada, you may never get to retire. If our government does what Captain Obama suggested in his State of the Union address, a MyRA, all of our retirement funds will wind up invested in U.S. Treasury bonds at 2% interest. By that time hyperinflation, at 20%, will put the loses on our funds at -18% per annum.  At that rate of depreciation, inflation will hit our ship of state like the ice berg, that wasn't supposed to be there, depreciated the Titanic, whose captain was also flying by the seat of his britches.  With that kind of "hope and change you can really believe in", coming our way, you may never have enough savings to retire ... at any age. That may not affect professional couch potatoes .... Chips, big liter sodas and used TV's don't cost that much; public housing is free and Social Security, Food Stamps, and Medicaid will cover it ... til that too stops...and it will.

Well, what's the plan to get us out of this mess? They don't have a plan. The plan has to be in place before bankruptcy. There was, once, an old plan which worked but it seems there was just one little old (88) lady, in the whole world, who got herself elected as Mayor of Mississauga (6th largest city in), Canada, and put that old fashioned plan into action. For thirty one years she has balanced the city budget and rejected debt. Mississauga is now debt free. She also brought in business, reduced taxes, developed the city's waterfront attributes and put everybody to work except kids, seriously handicapped and old people who had enough sense to save for retirement. So, with this little, old, sparkplug lady as Mayer for 31 years now, instead of being $700,000,000 (million) in debt like other large cities, Mississauga has that amount in reserves ... $700,000,000 (million) in reserves... yes, I said seven hundred million cash dollars. No wonder she gets 91% of the votes when she runs for Mayor.

So, how does that help us? It's too late for us, but she has "freely" shown us, by example, how we could have done the same thing ... back before we sailed our ship into the dark North Atlantic night and hit an iceberg that wasn't supposed to be there.  You can't save the ship and you can't get off the ship, and hope won't change our course through the iceberg field. You can, of course, pray and sing "Nearer My God To Thee", as did those who went down on the Titanic. And though you can't save our ship, you perhaps can save yourself, physically speaking, by keeping a suitcase-sized inflatable life raft among your luggage.  A life-raft with seven proper names ... Frugality Moderation Hardwork Dependability Consistancy Integrity Faith. But that life-raft must be in place before the sharp edged iceberg looms out of the dark, misty seas ahead. Even more important, and what really matters, is that you reach up and take the hand of Jesus ... who, only, can save what really matters of you.... your eternal soul. RB

You will not believe this fantastic 88 years young, Common Sense Mayor of Mississauga. Thanksk

1 comment:

  1. How refreshing!!
    98% of American politicans need her as a mentor.


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