Mar 4, 2014

Our Country, At One Of Its All Time, Finest Moments In History

Common Sense Commentary: No, he was not a perfect President ... we have never had one who was. Yes, he did make mistakes, but who among us or which of our Presidents did not. So ask yourself, could you, or anyone else in the country, have done better than Bush#2, at that exact time and place? Its easy to second guess, after the fact, Bush#2, Reagan, Harry Truman, Bill Clinton or any other leader's decisions ... after time unfolds the outcome.  Couch potatoes, in full athletic gear, or fanatical fans, painted up like a Hollywood, street walking cross-dresser, do it as a way of life. Their "fan loyalty" is as thin as green scum on swamp waters full of alligators and cotton-mouth moccasins. They worship the pitcher loudly when he wins and scream their hatred of him when he loses. Football fans are much worse.

I didn't care for Bush #1 from day one, and was not a great fan of Bush #2, but Bush #2 was, at least, an openly friendly, real and a sincere man, on the right. His father was cold, calculating and politically on the left. I wasn't impressed with either of their economically unconscious spend thriftiness, but was totally unimpressed with nearly everything Bill Clinton did. I now have been horrified at every single thing Obama has said and done, and I am sickened by Hillary's total blindness to ethics and integrity. The thought of her and Bill occupying the White House .... again .... sends chills through this old fashioned frame. Mistakes, at those high levels, are bad enough, but constant, bold faced lying, belligerent violations of our Constitution, lustily hogging all political power, and conspiratorial agendas of national subversion, are far beyond "tolerating an unintentional mistake". Both Bill Clinton and Bush #2 had likable personalities ... but Bill was plainly an immoral, leftest hippy with a hair-cut, in Presidential clothing, whereas, Bush actually did what he thought was right for the country from a Constitutional viewpoint, even though a great deal of it turned out not to have been wise. But Bush#2 looks like an angel now ... compared with the Clintons and Obamas.  May God deliver us from RINO Republicans and Socialist Democrats.  At any rate, this video was Bush#2's, and the countries finest hour ... just after 911 at the 2001 World Series, in Yankee Stadium. RB

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