Apr 22, 2014

Believe It Or Not, A Legal Pot Orgy Celebration In Denver For Christ's Resurrection

Common Sense Commentary:  This "High hopes in Mile-High City" story from the L.A. Times is more "The Height Of Irony" or  "The Height Of Ignorance" or "The Height Of Folly" than "High Hopes". The devil himself couldn't devise a more devious and conflicting celebration  for EASTER week-end (April 19-20) than this Sodom and Gomorrah scene in Denver, U.S.A. April 19-20... RB 

High hopes in Mile-High City 

as marijuana activists party in Denver


APphoto_Denver Marijuana Celebration
With the Colorado state capitol building visible in the background,
party-goers dance to live music and smoke pot on the first of two days
 at the annual 4/20 (Easter) marijuana festival in Denver .... The
annual event is the first 4/20 marijuana celebration since retail
marijuana stores began selling in January. (Brennan Linsley / 
Associated Press /April 19-20.


My Commentary:

A false chruch is a false bride of Christ, a "harlot" church. The "Mother" of false, harlot churches  is the "MOTHER OF HARLOTS", and their false worship and false professions are worse than common sin, they  are "ABOMINATIONS" because they are "spiritual, eternal" lies which mislead the souls of people into eternal separation from God known as the "Second Death" and Lake of Fire.


We are nearing, not only the world wide establishment of Mystery Babylon, but the then final destruction of her with all her evil and contradictory religious power and influence upon the earth. 

"And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, Thus with violence shall that great city Babylon be thrown down, and shall be found no more at all." Rev.18:21.

Mystery Babylon's religious "iniquity" is already in full bloom and ripe for the Anti-Christ's picking as his unholy religious partner in dominating the entire world during the Great Tribulation.

"For the mystery of iniquity doth already work...." 2 Thess.2:7. 
She stands in the wings like a bride awaiting her groom and their marriage of unholy union.

However, before Babylon's mystery of iniquity shall become more obvious to the entire world, It now seems plain to me that a Sodom and Gomorrah type atmosphere has arisen from its ashes and is heralding the coming of Anti-Christ, with his Harlot, Babylon Bride, rather than Jesus Christ who is soon coming for his own Bride Believers. But, of course, Anti-Christ shall come first and represent himself to be Christ and his bride to be Christ's Church. 

"And judgment is turned away backward, and justice standeth afar off: for truth is fallen in the street, and equity cannot enter." Isa. 59:14.  RB

1 comment:

  1. Al Janney used to quote "there is a way that seemth right unto man" when he was talking about the follies of mankind. Without God, mankind proves on a regular basis how dumb we really are.


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