May 1, 2014

Charlie McCarthy Kerry Sitting On Edgar Bergen Obama's Knee

Common Sense Commentary: So if Obama and Kerry really are sincerely "committed" to Israel, and love the Jewish people, as they say, let's change the question and ask it another way ... Mr Canary Kerry and Presidenta Obama, are you more "committed" to the survival of the Jewish nation or to the pacifying of the Muslim nations? Your answer will tell us where your heart is and where you are leading America and the world. I fear it is into another dark, dead-end alleyway in the slums of Benghazi. RB

Borrowed from The Patriot Update

On Friday, Secretary of State John Kerry told the Trilateral Commission that Israel would turn into “an apartheid state” unless it made concessions to the Palestinians – the same Palestinians who just signed a peace deal between the Palestinian Authority and internationally recognized terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. The same Palestinians who have stated time and again that they will not accept the existence of a Jewish state.
Kerry went on to state that Israel risked more violence if it didn’t make concessions, that Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was an impediment to peace, and that he would attempt his own two-state solution. Both sides, he said, would have to “take it or leave it.”
This is pure anti-Semitism. Blaming Israel for its incapacity to make peace with people whose stated goal is to murder Jews cannot be construed as anything other than Jew-hatred. Likening the Jewish state to South Africa, despite the fact that there are well over a million Arab citizens with full voting rights, and despite the fact that the Palestinian territories are completely Judenrein, is more of the same.
Upon tape of his remarks hitting the press, Kerry immediately backtracked, stating, “I will not allow my commitment to Israel to be questioned by anyone, particularly for partisan, political purposes…” He then disclaimed that he ever said Israel was an apartheid state, and said, “if I could rewind the tape, I would have chosen a different word to describe my firm belief that the only way in the long term to have a Jewish state and two nations and two people is through a two state solution.”

Read the rest of this Patriot Update article here:

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