May 19, 2014

Fall Upon The Corner Stone Or It Will Fall Upon You

Common Sense Commentary: The whole world cries out for "the truth", but seldom tells the whole truth themselves, and though they insist on it from others, seldom embrace it as their own. RB

 "...let God be true, but every man a liar...." Rom.3:4.

Jesus knew the Jews, like the rest of humanity, would not accept the truth about themselves so He
told them a story of a rich land owner who hired vineyard keepers to work in His vineyards and then He went away. Each time He sent someone to gather His harvest from His vineyards, those who worked for Him abused or killed His representatives, the final one being His Son. The Jews, who heard the story, didn't know it was they of whom He spoke, so their judgement was that those wicked people should be executed. But it was they to whom God had given the original assignment, commission, authority and responsibility to be faithful stewards of their Master's Kingdom work, and they who had betrayed His trust and killed His Son. Therefore, Jesus told those Jews that they were, in effect, fired and He would give another crew the job of looking after His vineyards (Kingdom). His story, in its deeper meaning was of God taking His Kingdom work away from the Jews and giving it to those who would accept God's Son as their Lord and work for Him in His Kingdom ministry, be they Gentiles, Jews or whomever. So now God's assignment, commission and kingdom responsibility is in Christian hands . How are we doing? Are we really doing any better than those Jews were doing?

Jesus also told those Jews that He was the prophesied "corner-stone the Jewish builders rejected", and that true and faithful believers in Jesus were the new crew of Christian builders. The last thing Jesus told them in Matt.21:44, was that whoever would cast themselves upon this "corner-stone" (Himself), would be "broken", which is a requirement in preparing a sinner to be truly repentant, and to give his all to Christ. But, Jesus also warned that anyone who will not cast themselves upon Him, for mercy, and be heart broken and repentant of their sins, that the corner-stone (Jesus) which they reject, shall fall upon them, and "grind them to powder". That is not a bright future for those who have no time for Jesus and His Kindom's work. Read it in Matt.21:33-45. RB

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