May 29, 2014

"The Prodigal Son Or Daughter" With Cast Of Characters

Common Sense Commentary:

The Prodigal Son, His Loving Father, His Self-Righteous, Jealous Brother, and His Piggish Friends all had their parts to play in this tragedy and oft performed story.

The father loved both of his sons and worked long hard years to provide for their needs and would soon leave all he had built to them... equally. He was a faithful, wise father. His two sons were born into the family God had chosen for them. They had both been taught to work and be responsible, and do the right thing, but young men dream of the day they can make their own decisions and do what they want to do and be what they choose to be. The father knew that forcing them to always do the honest, correct and responsible thing would only last until they grew old enough to leave home. He had to prepare them for that day when they would make all their own decisions. That day came for these two sons. One decided to take his inheritance and go out into the world ... and be free from his father's rules and requirements which he had to obey. He had big plans and was certain he was ready and knew what he was doing. He would show them what he could do on his own.  The other son chose to stay where he was planted and help run the farm which would soon be his alone. He was glad his brother was gone. Only he would now own the farm. He would be a big, important man

The first son hurriedly left his home, his family, and the dull farm life he hated, behind. He quickly made new friends in the taverns, sports fields and entertainment centers. It seemed all he had to do was buy them a beer or pay for their meal or ticket to the theatre and they saw him as a successful entrepreneur or smart business man and quickly became his constant companions. They told all their friends how intelligent he was. More and more "friends" hoggishly helped him spend his money and "have a good time". It was the good life he had always wanted. ... until it wasn't. Suddenly his inheritance was gone, depleted, exhausted, spent. He was broke ... and just as suddenly... alone ... no friends, no food, no apartment, no donkey, no booze. He was now in the same poverty as his piggish former friends, but now he was competing with them for the slop of sinful pleasure in a worldly, foul smelling pen with the other hogs.

Then, one day, he "came to himself", woke up to reality, saw the light, he smelled like a hog, looked like a hog ... was a hog. He determined to crawl out of that mess and run for the hills of home ... back to Daddy; back to delicious food;  back to clean sheets and fresh air and music and cool well water. God help me, I have sinned. I'm not worth hog vomit. Maybe Daddy still loves me and Mommy will make me pancakes, eggs and bacon ... uhh sausage... uhh ... biscuits.

He arrived back at the farm broke and broken, filthy and starving, but repentant. His father's and mommy's prayers had been answered and his father ran to embrace him and welcome him back from the hell he had bought with his inheritance. But, his "perfect" brother was bitter, selfish, and self-righteously complained against his "sorry, lazy, good for nothing" brother ... even though he alone was now the sole heir to the farm. The poor, wayward, prodigal son had a heart full of repentance and gratitude. The responsible, hard working, dependable son had a heart full of pride and bad attitude. So, which son do you suppose God now looked upon with favor?  Which are you ..... or are you the mother or the father of sons or daughters? RB.

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