May 12, 2014

Truth Not Only Makes You Free, It Breeds Courage In Unlikely Heros

Common Sense Commentary: Can you imagine a Gentile German soldier standing up, in a Concentration Camp, for Jews in Hitler's Nazi Germany? Can you imagine a Russian speaking out for Liberty and Free Enterprise, in Moscow's Lenin Square, during Joseph Stalin's Communist Dictatorship? Can you imagine a Christian Arab preaching over a megaphone, at Mecca, in the middle of a crowd of 50,000 Muslims?  Can you imagine Jesus standing in the midst of a crowd of Jewish, religious leaders, their followers, and City Leaders, in Jerusalem, and calling them hypocrites and a grave full of the remains of a rotting corpse? "Woe unto you, scribes and Pharisees, hypocrites! for ye are like unto  whited sepulchres, which indeed appear beautiful outward, but are within full of dead men's bones, and of all uncleanness." Matt.23:27. 

If you can't imagine someone with such courage and dedication to the truth, here is another example of such courage and commitment, to the truth, which is seldom equaled. The Christian courage demonstrated by this group of American Patriots is so rare as to be almost unbelievable. My love and appreciation for such people is indescribable. These are my Christian Brothers and Sisters, and are examples for all Americans, who sincerely love and live for the truth. Pray for them ... they will need God's help in today's America. RB

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1 comment:

  1. This is absolutely the TRUTH!!
    Outstanding!! Thanks for sharing it dad.


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