Jun 5, 2014

Obama Traded 5 Muslim Terrorists For One US Army Traitor Who Now Wants To Come Back Home. What?

Common Sense Commentary: Has there been a single word, Executive Order or Political Action out of this President, since he took office, that made him look Presidential or even qualified to run a hot dog stand. His Presidential Record matches his previous accomplishments ... ZERO, in fact, Minus ZERO.  Can anyone name one solitary thing he has done or said which has not backfired in his face, or blasted the face of America?  This unbelievable transaction is so ridiculous as to boggle the mind. Even Joe Biden, the King's duncie, left hand man, wouldn't do something this stupid. How can a sane President defend such lunacy?  Harry Reid  also thinks it was a good deal. His reaction to the Bergdahl/ Taliban trade was as weird as the President's action.. Reid equivocated, "I'm Glad to Get Rid of These Five People". What kind of mental gymnastics is that? Those five proven terrorists are now free in Muslimville looking for their next assignment to blow innocent Americans to Kingdom Come. What does Senator Harry Reid mean "I'm glad to be rid" of them. Harry, we are not now rid of them. We were "rid of them" while they were in prison. We did not liquidate them. We have not heard the last of them. They are released, ravaging tigers. Their pawprints will be on new terror attacks here, there and everywhere until they blow themselves up or we have to hunt them down again  and more of our troops die in the process, or another 9/11 takes place. What kind of reasoning or logic is there in such observations on the part of  the Senate Majority Leader. Obama traded five sworn terrorists for a US Army deserter/traitor who went over to the Muslim terrorists. This is the caliber of idiots running our country into the scrap heap of  lost empires.  Literally EVERYTHING these people do undermines our nation ... in some way. It is so pervasive that it cannot be accidental. If they, themselves, are not willfully, knowingly destroying our country, they are being controlled by the diabolical powers which are. If you don't know the Greek word diabolikos ... it means "Devilish or the Devil". The "powers of darkness" seem to possess this entire Administration,  the majority of the majority party and even much of the minority party. If you don't see the Biblical "Last Days Signs" in all of this, you must see the conspiratorial nature of it or at least the stupidity of it. If you don't see one or the other ... you are, yourself part of the problem. There are only two sides in the Battle Of The Ages .... The Devil against God, Evil against Good, Error against Truth .... All of us are on one side or the other. I vote for Jesus. RB

"For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Eph.6:12.

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