Jun 16, 2014

The Real Enemy Is Finally Exposing Himself, And Will Not Quit Or Surrender This Time

Common Sense Commentary: His real, original name was Lucifer (light reflector), the fallen Archangel who declared war against Jehovah God in heaven. His primary titles are now Satan, meaning "Hateful Accuser", and Devil. This later title is translated from three different Greek words. One means "dark", another "accuser" and another "deity". So he is the dark, accusing god of this world, the originator and executor of war."In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not, lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them." 2 Cor.4:4.

Whatever the U.S. foreign policy position toward the Muslim nations, one thing is certain. The majority populations of those nations will never give up their determination to rule the world. Which ever political party holds power in our country, it will not change the fanatical determination of that majority of Muslims to occupy and finally establish control and Sharia Law throughout the earth. It is their historical preoccupation. It is their religion. It is their calling from Allah, their god. It was the teaching of their warrior, founding prophet, Mohammad. It is what they believe their purpose to be. It is their "Great Commission" from Mohammad, as set forth in their "holy" Quran, as surely as our Christian "Great Commission" is, to preach the gospel of Christ "into all the world". About 600 years after Christ, Mohammad copied and perverted every cardinal  doctrine in the true word of Jehovah God, the Holy Bible. The Koran has a false god, a false prophet, a false bible, a false heaven, a false hell, false peace, false martyrs, false judgement, a false messiah, a false commission and a counterfeit replica of every other major doctrine in the Bible. Committed Muslims will never give up what they believe will determine their eternal destiny. That is why so many of them gladly kill themselves in order to kill many more of those they consider to be the enemies of Mohammedanism (Islam).

This enemy of ours is not like any other enemy we have ever had. Whether it be the Germans of WW I, the Axis powers of WWII, the USSR of the Cold War, or Communist China in Korea; all of which were fought over politics, an obsession or some other material or national interest. The present war against Muslim Terrorism is a "Religious" war and goes to the very heart and soul of this enemy. Whereas, for nearly all Americans, this war is like all the others. It is about politics, material things, some disagreement, oil, envy or an incomprehensible hatred of us. And if they hate us so, we must have done something to deserve their hatred. Therefore, the average American does not see it as purely a "religious" war against all infidels (unbelievers) and for no other real reason.  Most Americans cannot comprehend such a thing, so they resort to castigating anyone who speaks against Islam, for fear of reprisal,  or they blame Israel, which seems to be the primary objection of Muslims.... so its about politics or borders or something we did, rather than religion.  Do not be misled by the American Liberal press or by Liberal politicians who make Israel the problem or some trivial anti-Muslim video which caused Benghazi. Neither of which is true. No, the core of the problem is a fanatical religion which wants to concur and control the entire world, and this war will continue into the Tribulation Period and will only end  when Christ returns to set up His Millennial Kingdom. So buckle up and prepare for a rough ride until Jesus comes for us. The future may be dangerous but it will not be boring. And, by the way, we will not be alone. "I (Jesus) will not leave you comfortless: I will come to you ... Jn.14:18.  RB

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