Jun 9, 2014

These People Breed And Vote Profusely

Common Sense Commentary: One very strange phenomenon which has arisen among the most honest, hard working, tax paying and law-abiding citizens in the United States today, especially among Christians, is.... as corruption, dishonesty, immorality and Communism have spread and undermined our country, the less they have  bothered to vote. While under these same developing conditions, the lazy, dishonest, immoral parasitic "citizens" not only vote but some vote multiple times during the same election and some even vote for their dead relatives. We are not only being out-bred, out-procreated, out-propagated and out-numbered but outvoted. If God's people and patriotic Americans do not unhitch themselves from the slave-wagon and go to the polls, we will lose our majority and become a persecuted minority in a Communist State. It's coming.

Churchill noted, the greatest argument against Democracy is a 5 minute conversation with the average voter.

Here is an illustration of the addled brain or IQ of half of  US voters  ...On a Pier in Oceanside, California:


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