Jul 7, 2014

Before A Final Decision On Critical Issues, Put Things In Perspective

Common Sense Commentary:

Decisions should be based upon facts and knowledge of a situation plus prayer. The more serious the situation, the more important the decision, the more through should be the search for facts and knowledge related to the problem. If lives hang in the balance, the more lives involved, the more essential it is to study, search, consult, question, analyse and consider every single fact which can be learned before making  that final decision. This is true whether the situation is on a national level, a business level, a physical level or a spiritual level.  It is, in fact, most important on a spiritual level. That is why God moved the highly knowledgeable and perceptive, Apostle Paul to challenge the young minister, Timothy, to "Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth." 2 Tim.2:15. Paul was cautioning young Timothy to be right, always be right, to be sure he was understanding the truth of a matter, both in his own heart and mind, for his own sake; But even more importantly, to be right in his words to others, his teaching and preaching the holy, eternal things of God. "Timothy, be sure your understanding and your teaching  never misleads people concerning their souls, their eternity."

The most important time spent in building anything, fighting a battle or doing great things for God, other than prayer, is the time spent in planning, preparing, analysing facts of information and anticipation of what could go wrong with your plan, and developing a plan "B" and "C".  But one must also know the moment of time when the balance  between planning, decision and action has been reached, and planning must cease, decision must be made and action taken. Those Officers on the Bridge of the Titanic had volumes of plans, planing , practice and experience .... but they failed in their decisions and actions. Judas had been taught by Jesus Himself for three and a half solid years, day and night, the plan of God. He was as well taught on the facts and knowledge of God as the other Apostles ... but he failed in his final decision and actions. He turned away from the truth. He rejected Christ as his Savior. He betrayed and sold out Jesus and His Church for money. He betrayed himself, as well, by that one bad decision. Before a final decision, put things in perspective....

Putting things in perspective...
Radio silence was broken, in the ships wheelhouse, by an excited voice ...
Voice 1:  "We have you on our radar screen as being on a collision course.  
We recommend that you change course."

Voice 2:  "Sorry, I am the ship's Captain. I recommend that you divert your course."

Voice 1:  "We strongly recommend that you divert your course so as to 
avoid a collision.

Voice 2:  This is the Aircraft Carrier U.S. Reagan.  We strongly recommend 
that you divert your course.

Voice 1:  This is a lighthouse.  Your call....

The  lesson here is, "Get your facts straight and keep things in perspective; You are dealing with the Creator of the universe, the eternal, all powerful, all knowing God who gave his Son to die a horrible death for your sins. Be very careful in your final decision concerning your eternal soul. He will not change His mind. Will you?" RB

1 comment:

  1. Great Lesson .... The only issue with "your call" that most people don't like is the accountability that comes with it. Hard to lay blame when it's "your call".


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