Jul 25, 2014

It Doesn't Take A Majority To Make And Enforce A Dictatorship

Common Sense Commentary: It is very interesting how a brain washed people can believe a thing with 100% certainty and yet be 100% wrong, and still be unwilling to change their minds when faced with undeniable facts....

"Then said he (Jesus) unto them, But now .... he that hath no sword, let him sell his garment, and buy one. And they said, Lord, behold, here are two swords. And he said unto them, It is enough." Luke 22:36-38. 

Back during the 1970's when the Communist USSR was still a threat to the entire world, I was on a mission journey to Southern Mexico, on a train. I was alone but had been assigned a seat arrangement with three college aged Russians, two young men and a young lady. They were Communists and all spoke English quite well. Those of you who know me, know that I have been an outspoken anti-Communist ever since I fought them in the Korean war and witnessed their atrocities. Our conversations always ended in debate as to the merits of Communism. Fortunately I had read a lot about Communism. When I asked them if they knew any civilians in Russia who owned a firearm, they said they did not. "Why?", I asked. "Firearms are  illegal", one of the young men said. "Why?" I asked. "Because they are dangerous", he said. "Dangerous to whom, the civilian or the government?" I asked. Our debate was becoming an argument when I told them that "practically every home in America has a gun in it." They couldn't believe that. I told them it was our Constitutional right to "own and bear arms" in order to defend ourselves, our homes and our freedom if our government tried to violate our Constitutional rights. Then I told them the reason the Communist leadership took all of their guns away was so it could control them. At that moment we were passing through a small village with a hill at its center. I pointed out the hill and said, "I could control this entire village with one rifle, from that hill if no one else in the village had a gun."  Both of the young men insisted, "No you couldn't", but the young lady said, quietly, "Yes he could."

My point is, it does not matter in a nation or town, if the Nazis or Communists or Socialists or progressive idea-logs do not have the majority, if the majority have no weapons and the social planners and bad guys do. They can rule the nation if they are the only ones with firearms.

In 1933, the membership of the Nazi Party amounted to 1.6 million. By 1936, it reached 4.4 million members. It reached a maximum membership of around 6 million or about 7% of the German population. The other 93% did not have the will to stop that 7% of armed Nazis.

An even smaller percentage of Russians were members of the Communist Party, Under Lenin, when they overthrew the government and installed a Communist dictatorship. The same was true in China. 

Do not underestimate the potential of a small, committed political movement in a nation of peaceful pacifists who are not armed.

If we allow our government to disarm the civilians in this country, it won't take many armed soldiers or police or agriculture agents or postal workers or any other agents of our government to enforce its dictatorial agenda upon us all. There is, in our country, a relatively small, but powerful, force of pseudo "Progressives" at the door, with that agenda, even now. They have their takeover of America in progress. The only reason they are not already in absolute control is .... American civilians are the largest armed army in the world. Neither the Muslims nor the Socialists nor any other malignant minority can take away our freedoms if we simply stand up against them. If we don't, they will win this internal battle and rule all of our lives ... in time. RB

Gun Violence Decreasing
by Kerby Anderson

A recent study by the Pew Research Center found that a majority of Americans believe that gun violence is greater than ever. The problem with that view is that the opposite is true. Violent gun crime has dropped dramatically in the past two decades.

The Pew report explains that: "National rates of gun homicide and other violent gun crimes are strikingly lower now than during their peak in the mid-1990s, paralleling a general decline in violent crime." Government statistics show that the rate of non-fatal violent gun crime victimization dropped 75 percent in the past 20 years. The gun homicide rate dropped 49 percent in that same period. (During that same time period Concealed Carry permits, by good citizens, has increased by approximately the same percentages. RB)

Most Americans are unaware of this drop in gun crime. According to the Pew survey, 56 percent of Americans believe gun crime is worse than it was 20 years ago. If you add in those people who believe it has stayed the same, then you have 84 percent who believe it has either gone up or stayed the same. Only 12 percent have the correct view: that gun violence has decreased the last 20 years.

Let's put it another way. At a time when the nation was having a debate about guns and gun control, more than 8 out of 10 Americans had a perspective about gun violence that was completely opposite of the true reality. I think we all know why the public perception is incorrect. The news media focus our attention on crimes, especially gun crimes. This has been true for some time, but was especially true since the shooting in Newtown, Connecticut.

The Pew Research report also puts these mass shootings in context. "According to a Bureau of Justice Statistics review, homicides that claimed at least three lives accounted for less the 1 percent of all homicide deaths from 1980 to 2008." In other words, they are very rare, but of course get lots of media attention when they occur.

This latest survey once again is a reminder that public opinion can often be wrong, and that's why we need accurate statistics before we enact government policies.

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