Jul 12, 2014

Obamanation's Abomination (With Webster's Definition, Biblical Example & A Woman's Brilliance)

Common Sense Commentary: Noah Webster is one of my all time favorite Historic, American Characters. The roots of Webster's Dictionary of today reach all the way back to his original of 1806 which he continued to improve throughout his life. The version I have used, since I was in Seminary, is the Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary Copyrighted in 1953. In that version, Webster defines the word Abomination , "Extreme disgust and hatred; abhorrence; loathing; detestation; shamefully vile; foreboding; ominous." Noah Webster was a Christian and understood the Biblical use of the word, and even published a Webster's version of the Bible. It is one of the best translations but I have always used and prefer above all others, the King James Bible. Though written in Old English language, it is, nevertheless, the most accurate to the Textus Receptus or Received Texts.

An example of Biblical Abomination is, "If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination...." Lev.20:13.

Here, below, is a link to a terrific summation, by a Pastor's wife, in "seemingly biblical language" of all that the world knows about President Obama. "When he speaketh fair, believe him not: for there are seven abominations in his heart." Prov.26:25. 


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