Jul 21, 2014

Planned Parenthood Caught Again ... On Video Encouraging Teens To Have BDSB Sex

Common Sense Commentary: Just another tax payer funded Sodom/Gomorrah agency operating from the pits of hell encouraging teen agers to participate in sadomasochism sex and every other kind of sex whenever and with whomever they please. Where is your backbone you quisling zeros who whine ... "I can't do anything about it". And, where is your brain, your soul, you idiots who approve of this sort of thing? You all know where the majority of each political party stands on Planned Parenthood. Every American adult can vote and campaign against Obama's followers... Liberal Congressmen and congresswomen who are standing behind him. You can be sure Hillary Clinton will follow Obama's example in supporting Planned Parenthood and every other Liberal cause. In the name of God, representing Him, get active in the Conservative political forces against these people. RB

(CNSNews.com) -- Planned Parenthood of Northern New England (PPNNE)--which received more than $2.75 million in government funding in 2012--has produced and posted online a video specifically aimed at teenagers that promotes bondage and sadomasochism (BDSM) and proposes "rules" to follow when engaging in these activities. (Bondage, Dominance, Sadomasochism).“People sometimes think that those who practice BDSM are emotionally scarred or were once abused—not true, it’s a total myth," the host of the video, Laci Green, informs its intended audience of teens. "BDSM relies upon and creates trust," she says. 

(They do this openly but its even worse behind the scenes. The proof is in the video below. RB)

This will sicken you but not surprise you about Planned Parenthood.

Mark Election Day, Nov.4, on your calendar, as the most important day of the year for the next two years.  After that its too late. RB

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