Jul 23, 2014

The Constitution Says Congress Makes Law, Supreme Court Judges Law, President Executes That Law

Common Sense Commentary: Our U.S. Constitution Absolutely Requires that Congress make laws which are in harmony and do not violate the Constitution of this Republic. The Constitution also requires the Supreme Court to do one thing, protect Constitutional Law by judging every possible violation of Law which comes before it. That same Constitution demands that the President of this Republic execute (enforce) every word in Constitutional Law or passed by the Congress which align with the Constitution of The United States Of America. He has absolutely no power to overrule our Laws, change our Laws or make any Laws. He is the "Executive", the executor of the Law. Here is a video of House Representative from South Carolina, Trey Gowdy, demanding that the House live up to its trust and purpose and stop the President from ignoring the Laws of the Land and violating our Constitution. God bless this young U.S. Representative. We desperately need more like him.

This speech could be a difining moment for America.

March 13, 2014 –  Rep. Trey Gowdy  [R-SC] sponsor of the “Enforce the Law Act” [H.R. 4138]  gave an impassioned speech defending the need to stop Obama’s power grab. 

“President fails to faithfully execute the law… he makes the House a constitutional anomaly and an afterthought! “ Trey Gowdy
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