Aug 2, 2014

Hundreds Of Illegal Aliens Are Dying In The Southwest Texas Desert Border With Mexico

Common Sense Commentary:
  1. The Texas-Mexico border makes up 1,254 miles of the 1,900-mile-long U.S.-Mexico border. The vast, mostly rural, desert expanse stretches from El Paso in the West to Brownsville in the Southeast.  The Rio Grande River is the border. Without U.S. government help, it is impossible for Texas to seal that border. In most places it is at least a hundred mile walk through hot, waterless semi-desert to avoid the border patrol... which now is under orders to stand down. It is amazing that any of these illegal border crossers make it through that area ... walking.  Of course, now we know that the Obama administration has opened the U.S. border check-points to all comers and is supplying transportation and all human needs to those who are crossing at those official stations.
  2. 'A lot of people die out here' and 'all this on Obama's hands'

From RunRyder News

Shocking images show corpses of illegal immigrants left to die after border crossings
•Rancher shares grotesque photos with MailOnline, saying Obama bears the blame for a rising death toll among illegal immigrants 
•Volunteer patrol network in south Texas has found 259 bodies in one county alone, maybe 20 percent of the actual body count 
•Border Patrol source concedes the agency has no idea how many are perishing between the border and official government checkpoints 
•Filmmaker says he warned Congress in 2007 that children were becoming drug cartels' newest pawns on the border
Burgard also saw an Urdu-to-English dictionary that Vickers picked up near his ranch, dropped by 'a coyote leading a group of Middle Easterners into our country.'
And Chinese immigrants, paying up to $50,000 each to be smuggled into Ecuador and then into the United States, are now numerous enough that the federal government has added Mandarin translations to signs at emergency stations dotting the Texas border region.
The flow is 'four times what it was in 2011. A four-fold increase,' says Vickers.
He agrees with Republicans in Congress who point fingers of blame at President Obama, who declared in 2012 that the federal government would no longer pursue illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children before 2007.
He also championed a bill called the DREAM Act – failed legislation that aimed to offer those immigrants permanent residency if they graduated from high school.
'When Obama started talking about the DREAM Act, and this and that about the DREAMers, I mean it was like, overnight we started seeing hordes of these teenagers coming in from Central America,' Vickers told MailOnline. 'I've got pictures of them.'

The pictures would not hold for this blog. RB

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