Aug 18, 2014

What Is An EMP (Electronic Magnetic Pulse) And How Would It Play Out In America?

Common Sense Commentary: There is a very pertinent adage which observes this word of wisdom.

"It is far better to prepare yourself for what doesn't happen than not to prepare yourself for what does."

One of the things which will definitely happen, in your future, is a Katrina Hurricane, Electrical Failure, Tornado, Holocaust, Terrorist Attack on our infrastructure, an Electric Magnetic Pulse power grid failure or something yet unknown. Though all these things have happened before, for some mysterious reason 95% of people are not prepared when they do happen. The odds of something like the above happening to you, in your lifetime, are too great not to be physically prepared for at least a few days of no electricity.

This first link from FOX News commentator Judge Jeanine on our failing power grid and the likelihood of an EMP affecting our antiquated power grid system is real and very possible.

The second link, below, is what a power grid failure would be like if it lasted a few days. Don't panic, but every one of you needs to see this National Geographic depiction of dozens of amateur  cell phone and smart phone reporting on the horrors of a ten day American electric grid failure and blackout. This one didn't really happen, but something similar has never been more likely than now, in the US. There are a dozen scenarios which could make this a reality.

National Geographic: American Blackout [video]

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