Aug 25, 2014

When You Are Depressed Or Feel Sorry For Yourself ...Visit This Amazing Man

Common Sense Commentary: One of the saddest things I know is to hear perfectly healthy people with every modern convenience and everything to live for ... complain or gripe about the least little inconvenience, disappointment or pain. Strangely, it seems, those with the most "stuff" complain the most, especially those with the most government aid. They appear always to want more and more. Some of the happiest, most content people I have ever seen were living in grass huts with barely enough to survive but were singing the praises of God. When I was in High School there was a girl graduating whose father owned the G.M. dealership in our town. He gave her a new sports Chevy for her graduation present. She was so disappointed, she cried because it wasn't a Cadillac.

Jesus admonished complainers, "... murmur not among yourselves...." John 6:43.
Jude, speaking of wicked men, said, "These are murmurers, complainers...." Jude 16.
Apostle Paul was a Spirit filled spokesman for our Lord. One of the things which made him so was his contentment in Christ ... ".... I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." Phil.4:11. It was he who counseled young Timothy that "Godliness with contentment is great gain." 1Tim.6:6. Paul gave his reason, and ours, that we Christians should be content ...
"... Be content with such things as ye have; for He (Jesus) hath said, I will never leave thee nor forsake thee." Heb.13:5. RB

 This introduction is by the owner of the farm where Chris works.
And we gripe about the little things in life.
Take a few minutes to watch the following video of Chris Koch from Nanton Alberta.
He spends his spring, summer and fall working on our farm in Torquay Saskatchewan.
Chris runs the planter & sprayer in the spring, and then a combine in the fall.
During the winter he does some public speaking with a theme called "If I Can".
A feature video was recently done on Chris's life and farming. I 'm sure you will enjoy his story - if you have kids show it to them.​

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