Sep 13, 2014

Gov. Of Iowa Puts His Foot Down On Obama's Neck

Common Sense Commentary: Once in a while there is a spark of sanity and a courageous action which makes sense. Thank God for those few, in political power, who do the right thing. RB

Obama Flies Illegal teens to Iowa. The Iowa Governor Flies Them Back TO Honduras.

 Governor Bransted of Iowa had  announced: "Iowa will not take any illegal children."
Yesterday Obama overruled him and sent him 124 teens, aged13-19. When the plane landed in Des Moines the airport manager called the office of the Governor. The Governor drove to the airport and chartered a United Airlines plane from Chicago.   Within 8 hours all the teens were fed and loaded on that plane. The plane left Iowa at 8 o'clock Des Moines time.  It's next stop was Honduras. The plane landed and was unloaded. Four Social Workers from Iowa made sure the teens got safely to the terminal, and the Social Workers told the Honduran officials, "Here are your teens, they have no papers, you let them come illegally to America.   We refuse to take them.  Iowa has its own laws.  Minors from outside our country not accompanied by adults may not enter our state."  

Iowa has not heard one thing from Obama's Washington so why are other Governors not doing as the Governor of Iowa ?  The price of a chartered plane is fare less than keeping them here, without their parents, to raise and educate.

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