Nov 19, 2014

They Hide The Cross And Muslims Bow Toward Mecca ... In The U.S. National "Christian" Cathedral

Common Sense Commentary: Another sign of the times of the coming one world church composed of all religions, but without Jesus Christ, without a Savior, without the Holy Bible, without the Holy Spirit or Jehovah God but overseen by the Anti-Christ and False Prophet. The world's religions are rapidly being swept together under one god ... the outcast Lucifer (Satan) who sought to depose God and reign in His stead ... on God's throne once before ... and failed. He will soon succeed in establishing a worldly throne and ruling over a Tribulation Kingdom for seven years and then be cast into outer darkness again while Jesus Christ reigns on earth in His Millennial Kingdom for a thousand years. After that ... Lucifer will arise again and immediately be cast into the Lake of Fire for all of eternity.

The impossible happens again ... Another Evil miracle. RB

Franklin Graham Slams Muslim 
Service at National Cathedral 

Monday, 17 Nov 2014 05:13 PM
By John Blosser - News Max

The Rev. Franklin Graham, son of "America's Preacher" the Rev. Billy Graham, has slammed the Washington National Cathedral for allowing Muslims to hold their first prayer service there Friday.

On his Facebook account, Graham wrote, "Tomorrow, the National Cathedral in Washington, D.C. — one of the most prominent Episcopal churches in America — will host a Muslim prayer service to Allah.

"It’s sad to see a church open its doors to the worship of anything other than the One True God of the Bible who sent His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ, to earth to save us from our sins. Special: Does Obama Belong to This Secret Society? (Shocking) Story continues below video.

"Jesus was clear when He said, "I am the way the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6)."

The Muslim prayer service, called a "Jummah" or Friday call to prayer, was hosted by Ebrahim Rasool, the South African ambassador to the U.S., who is Muslim, and the Rev. Canon Gina Campbell, pastor of the cathedral, in cooperation with the All Dulles Area Muslim Society, Council on American-Islamic Relations, Islamic Society of North America, Muslim Public Affairs Council and The Nation's Mosque, Christian Today reported. Special: Colon Cancer Warning Signs: If You Have Any of These . . . Muslims, in two separate groups, men and women, doffed their shoes, spread their prayer rugs facing east toward Mecca, turning their backs on the crucifix in front of the chapel, knelt and prayed. The Rev. Campbell said the cathedral was a "place of prayer for all people," adding, "Let us stretch our hearts and let us seek to deepen mercy for we worship the same God."

However, the Rev. Graham disagreed strongly, as did Christine Weick, 50, from Michigan, who rose in the midst of the prayer service and shouted, "Jesus Christ died on that cross. He is the reason we are to worship only Him. Jesus Christ is our Lord and Savior. We have built … allowed you your mosques in this country. Why don’t you worship in your mosques and leave our churches alone? We are a country founded on Christian principles."

She was escorted from the cathedral and turned over to police, who took her outside and let her go without charges.

The Rev. Gary Hall, dean of the cathedral, told the Washington Times, "If we could inspire those of us who are not extremists to find a way to be together … we could begin to build something that will bless us, bless our children, bless all the people on the earth."

The Rev. Campbell told the Times, "We here at the cathedral have embraced a steep challenge to grow in our identity as a house for people. This prayer marks a historic moment. This prayer symbolizes a grand hope for our community. As we get to know each other, more bridges are built and there is less room for hate and prejudice to come between us."

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