Jun 22, 2015

Finally... Pastors, Christians, Orthodox Jews And Other Moral Leaders Take A Stand

Common Sense Commentary: No issue of Biblical import and natural law could be more clear than the fact that marriage is between a man and a woman only. It is not a debatable subject. It is inscribed in Scripture and in the laws of nature. To disavow it is to do so in the face of God and common sense.  The moral, Christian line has finally been drawn and we cannot, will not yield and agree to host, perform or participate in this violation of our faith and practice as clearly defined in the Bible, the word of God. It matters not what threat, fine or legal action may be taken against us. The debate, in our minds and hearts, is a life and death issue. We will not ... I will not be forced to be any part of a mock marriage between two men or two women even if the Supreme Court rules we must ....if requested. Jail is not nearly so bad as defying God. RB

Here is the united stand we are taking, expressed by the pastor of one of the largest churches in America, Jack Graham, in Dallas.
Jack Graham, pastor of Prestonwood Baptist Church in Texas, a man not given to hyperbole, is warning American Christians to be "prepared for massive fallout" if the Supreme Court legalizes same sex marriage, stating "there’s a coming a day, I believe, that many Christians personally and churches corporately will need to practice civil disobedience on this issue."

As Southern Baptist Christians, we are committed to Biblical faith and ethics. As a result, this body of Believers stands on the authority of Scripture and God's Truth as central to our lives.

What the Bible says about marriage is clear, definitive and unchanging. We affirm biblical, traditional, natural marriage as the uniting of one man and one woman in covenant commitment for a lifetime. The Scriptures' teaching on marriage is not negotiable. We stake our lives upon the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus.
Consequently, we will not accept, nor adhere to, any legal redefinition of marriage issued by any political or judicial body including the United States Supreme Court. We will not recognize same-sex "marriages", our churches will not host same-sex ceremonies, and we will not perform such ceremonies.

While we affirm our love for all people, including those struggling with same-sex attraction, we cannot and will not affirm the moral acceptability of homosexual behavior or any behavior that deviates from God's design for marriage. We also believe religious freedom is at stake within this critical issue – that our first duty is to love and obey God, not man.

Therefore, we strongly encourage all Southern Baptist pastors, leaders, educators, and churches to openly reject any mandated legal definition of marriage and to use their influence to affirm God's design for life and relationships. As the nation's largest non-Catholic denomination with over 16 million members, we stake our very lives and future on the Truth of God's Word.

We also join together to support those who stand for natural marriage in the corporate world, the marketplace, education, entertainment, media and elsewhere with our prayers and influence, and resources.

Graham was asked "what would it look like if 16 million Southern Baptists engaged in civil disobedience?" His response was "I hope we never live to find out what that looks like. There are many Christians today who are preparing if necessary to go to jail."

“The punch that is most deadly is the one you don’t see coming,” Graham said. “You need to see this coming. It’s coming your way. It’s coming to a town, a city, a university, a college, a church near you,” he said.

Judgment is here and the battle lines have been drawn.

Recently a full page ad was taken out in Washington Post by Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox Christian pastors, clergy, lay leaders and Jewish leaders, who collectively represent millions of people in their specific churches, parishes, denominations, synagogues andmedia ministry outreaches, as an "Open Letter to the Supreme Court Justices of the United States," informing them "we will not honor any decision by the Supreme Court which will force us to violate a clearbiblical understanding of marriage as solely the union of one man and one woman."

That ad ended with Acts 5:29 "But Peter and the apostles answered, We must obey God rather than men."

50,000 pastors and church leaders have signed a petition which states in part, "We stand united together in defense of marriage. Make no mistake about our resolve. While there are many things we can endure, redefining marriage is so fundamental to the natural order and the common good that this is the line we must draw and one we cannot and will not cross."

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