Jun 4, 2015

Friends, Servants And Images In The World Of Cyborgs And Artificial Intelligence

Common Sense Commentary: This is only "progress" in the spirit world of Lucifer.... the prince of demons. My interest in so-called cyborgs and the science which deals with that field, as well as Artificial Intelligence, biomechantonic and robots is, for me, strictly as they relate to the "image of the beast" in The Revelation. RB

Revelation 13:15   And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed. We are getting there. RB

This from Wikipedia the Internet encyclopedia:
cyborg (short for "cybernetic organism") is a theoretical or fictional being with both organic and biomechatronic parts. The term was coined in 1960 by Manfred Clynes and Nathan S. Kline. D. S. Halacy'sCyborg: Evolution of the Superman in 1965 featured an introduction which spoke of a "new frontier" that was "not merely space, but more profoundly the relationship between 'inner space' to 'outer space' – a bridge...between mind and matter."
The term cyborg is not the same thing as bionic and often applied to an organism that has restored function or enhanced abilities due to the integration of some artificial component or technology that relies on some sort of feedback. While cyborgs are commonly thought of as mammals (beasts), they might also conceivably be any kind of organism and the term "Cybernetic organism" has been applied to networks, such as road systems, corporations and governments, which have been classed as such. The term can also apply to micro-organisms which are modified to perform at higher levels than their unmodified counterparts. It is hypothesized that cyborg technology will form a part of the future human evolution
(Who wouldn't know evolutionists would claim it as their own? RB)

From CNN 
In the future, humans are going 
to be artificially intelligent. 

That's the prediction of Ray Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google who spoke Wednesday at the Exponential Finance conference in New York.

Kurzweil predicts that humans will become hybrids in the 2030s. That means our brains will be able to connect directly to the cloud, where there will be thousands of computers, and those computers will augment our existing intelligence. He said the brain will connect via nanobots -- tiny robots made from DNA strands. "Our thinking then will be a hybrid of biological and non-biological thinking," he said. The bigger and more complex the cloud, the more advanced our thinking. By the time we get to the late 2030s or the early 2040s, Kurzweil believes our thinking will be predominately non-biological. Related: Elon Musk warns about unleashing artificial intelligence 'demon'. We'll also be able to fully back up our brains. "We're going to gradually merge and enhance ourselves," he said. "In my view, that's the nature of being human -- we transcend our limitations." Kurzweil, who is known as one the world's leading inventors, has predicted what the future will look like before. In the '90s, he made 147 predictions for 2009. In 2010, he reviewed his predictions, 86% of which were correct. He gave himself a "B" grade. His correct predictions included that people would primarily use portable computers in 2009, that cables would disappear and that computer displays would be built into eyeglasses. He did admit on stage Wednesday that he thought we'd have self-driving cars by 2009. "Now that's not completely wrong," he said. "If I had said 2015, I think it would've been correct, but they're still not in mainstream use. So even the [predictions] that were wrong were directionally correct." For those concerned with artificial intelligence taking over the world, Kurzweil said we have a moral imperative to keep developing the technology while controlling for potential dangers. "As I wrote starting 20 years ago, technology is a double-edged sword," he said. "Fire kept us warm and cooked our food but also burnt down our houses. Every technology has had its promise and peril."

From News.com.au
Meet your artificial brain: 
The algorithm redefining 
the web

MEET my new friend Nara. We’re recently acquainted, but she knows me pretty well. She thinks I’d enjoy American Gangster because I’m a fan of Goodfellas, anything directed by Ridley Scott and drama and crime movies. She also knows I like seafood, steakhouses and a “chic atmosphere” — although I never told her that — so she’s able to make some spot-on restaurant recommendations. She can recommend the perfect hotel for my travels, too. The only thing is, Nara’s a robot, designed to connect me to places and things that “matter to me”. Designed by a groups of scientists, artists and entrepreneurs in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Nara collects information about your interests and tastes to create a “neural network”. Nara picks out a movie based on my preferences. Nara picks out a movie based on my preferences. Source: Supplied While anyone can try out the beta version of Nara, it’s not designed to be the next popular social network. “From the get-go, our mission has been to help humanity find what matters across the swelling oceans of information we face today,” reads the website. “The first two years of Nara were spent in stealth, as our neuroscientistsvisualisation of the Machine Intelligence Landscape, which maps how “enterprises, industries and humans are all being augmented by machine intelligence”, using information on 2500 start-ups. It could be the next big step in the development of our relationship with technology. But some may find it very eerie indeed.

And this from FOX 5
Twitter trend ‘Charlie Charlie Challenge’ has teens trying to summon demon.
The latest topic to create some commotion on Twitter has teens trying to summon a demon named Charlie.

The Charlie Charlie Challenge surfaced Thursday on Twitter and has gone viral across social media platforms. The challenge includes putting two pencils on a piece of paper in the shape of a cross. The words “yes” and “no” are written in boxes outlined by the pencils. Then the participants say “Charlie, Charlie are you here?” Social media users have been uploading videos “summoning” Charlie.

This term, "summon the demon", was first used by the hi-technology genius, Elon Musk, founder of Pay Pal, Solar City, Tesla Motors and a dozen other similar accomplishments. He used "summon the demon" in relation to the possible consequences of going too far into the development of Artificial Intelligence. See that article below. RB

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