Sep 10, 2015

Facebook Or Twitter Result In 14% Of Divorces ... Maybe More?

Common Sense Commentary: If email isn't bad enough, Facebook and Twitter compound the evidence. Social Media is an open mike in a loose cannon in a thunder-storm with a world-wide audience and too many banter addicts on the trigger. Something about it drives some people to shout from the housetops what they wouldn't think of saying out loud in public. May God protect them with lip surgery and stitches. RB

Social Media Obsession Costing 

Some People Their Marriage

From CBS Chicago

(CBS) — Some people get so obsessed with social media, it can cost them their marriage.
Divorce because of Facebook, or Twitter is a growing problem. CBS 2’s Mike Parker found out why.
Shari, then married with two kids, says she got hooked on Facebook five or six years ago. She was trying to build up an event planning business.
“I was spending sometimes 4 or 5 hours a day…when I should have been cooking dinner or reading to my kids or watching a movie with my husband or just talking to my husband.”
She began to post picture after picture of herself, acquired 5,000 Facebook friends and a thousand followers. Gradually, her husband discovered she was trading messages with ex-boyfriends. The battles began.
“Okay so you dated this guy… and you’re friends with him? And you’re messaging him?” Shari said.
The marriage ended. It’s not the only one. A growing number of divorcing spouses blame social media for playing a part in their divorce. A survey by Censuswide suggests its one divorce in seven.
“That sounds very low to me to be honest,” said divorce lawyer Christine Svenson. “The social media seems to crop up in at least half of my divorce cases.”
Shari is still working to tame her obsession.
“Believe it or not, I went almost a whole two weeks without really looking at it or posting anything.” I kept pulling my hair and biting my nails.”
Consider this recent Chicago divorce tale: A man told his wife he was going to Michigan to visit his mother. His wife found his picture that weekend on Facebook in Las Vegas with his girlfriend.

1 comment:

  1. The greenest side of the fence is the one you fertilize.


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