Oct 16, 2015

Question Of The Decade: Is Obama A Muslim?

Common Sense Commentary:  Is confusion the intent? Is he neither black nor white? Is he neither Muslim nor Christian? Is he neither heterosexual nor homosexual? Was he born in Kenya or Hawaii? Is he a citizen of the U.S. or somewhere else? Is the birth certificate he finally produced real or a counterfeit? Did he make good grades or bad at Harvard? Is he a Marxist or Fascist? Is his real name Barry Soetoro or Barack Obama? Does anyone but Obama know who or what he really is? Doctor (Colonal) Sellin may have put his finger on the truth in the following essay....

Is Obama a Muslim? 
From Family Security Matters
by LAWRENCE SELLIN, PHD September 20, 2015

I do not believe Barack Obama is a Muslim, nor do I think he is a Christian, nor do I think it matters, because he is not motivated by any religious belief, but by a secular ideology. All of his convictions and actions can be explained by a single supposition. Obama is dedicated to the subversion of Western, in particular White European, Judeo-Christian-based democracy. In the world today, the two strongest forces opposing Western, Judeo-Christian democracy are radical Islam and Marxism in its current manifestations. The proponents of radical Islam and Marxism have a shared hatred of the United States as the embodiment of evil and the main impediment to the subjugation of the individual by either Sharia or the state. In that respect, Obama's modus operandi can be considered Islamo-Marxist by embracing their methods that, he thinks, can effectively undermine American culture and weaken the ability to transmit to future generations the principles upon which the United States was founded, in order to pave the way for a new political order, his so-called fundamental transformation. The uncontrolled immigrant invasion; the constant promotion of Islam; the fostering of homosexual and transsexual lifestyles; the rejection of Constitutional processes; the nurturing of domestic extremist political movements like Black Lives Matter; the growth of government and unsustainable debt; the pursuit of a dangerous foreign policy; the Stalinist-style political correctness; and other insults to American values and traditions are not meant to solve any problem or redress any grievance, but are all specifically designed to weaken the national soul, compromise national security and relegate patriotism to little more than an underground resistance movement. It is most likely that Obama is amoral, believes only in his own narcissism and is driven by contempt for everything the United States represents. The real American calamity, however, is not Obama, but the corrupt political-media establishment that allowed him to occupy the Oval Office for eight destructive years. It was the far-left Democrat Party and the fawning, biased media that facilitated his rise to power and uncritically and shamelessly protected him in office. It was the Republican eunuchs who disgracefully refused to vet Obama or oppose any of his policies. It is an unfortunate fact that American politicians, collectively, both Democrat and Republican, do not trust representative government and care nothing about the Constitution or the rule of law. They believe only in the pursuit of personal power and profit via a warped legislative process, executive overreach and a constant stream of guaranteed taxpayer revenues. Both parties use campaign deception, practice political expediency, engage in crony capitalism and, when necessary, promote voter fraud to sustain the corrupt status quo. Instead of acting as the people's "watchdog," the media support the permanent political elite by preserving the illusion of democracy and enabling tyranny by misinforming Americans and manipulating public opinion. Realizing that they no longer have representative government nor can they rely on the media, the voters are flocking to Donald Trump because there is no one else to whom to flock. Make no mistake, the political-media establishment fears Trump, not because they fear for the well-being of the country, but because, if he wins, Trump might investigate and prosecute the corruption in Washington DC. In such a situation, most members of the political-media establishment would lose their jobs and some would go to jail, complicit in perpetuating the greatest fraud and Constitutional crisis in US history. I don't care about Obama's religion or his sexual orientation, if he plays with dolls or if his favorite sport is croquet. I only know that he is bad for America. And that's enough for me. Although Obama will be gone soon, the national wounds he inflicted will take generations to mend. That healing cannot occur, however, while the disease that made a President Barack Obama possible persists. The hopelessly corrupt political-media establishment must be swept away.

Lawrence Sellin, Ph.D. is a retired colonel with 29 years of service in the US Army Reserve and a veteran of Afghanistan and Iraq. Colonel Sellin is the author of "Restoring the Republic: Arguments for a Second American Revolution ". He receives email at lawrence.sellin@gmail.com.

Read more: Family Security Matters http://www.familysecuritymatters.org/publications/detail/is-obama-a-muslim?f=must_reads#ixzz3olr5bDi0
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