Nov 3, 2015

Update On Texas State Gold Depository. All In The Know Want In

Common Sense Commentary: The impending financial crisis existing in the U.S and world today is comparable to an Iceberg in the North Atlantic. What you see on the surface is a fraction of its bulk, not seen, below the surface. A ship might avoid hitting the visible pinnacle, but rip open the ship's bottom on the hidden ice below. Our government and many experts in the field of finance know precisely what the danger is, but keep silent because they don't want to cause hysteria and a stampede of the ship's passengers for the life boats. Do they know something you do not know? Yes, but the time will come when the truth is known, as with the Titanic ... but too late to save the ship. Our Texas Governor and Law-Makers know what is coming and are building a large "lifeboat" depository.  While the FED is trying to avoid the mammoth berg by speeding up spending. RB

Firms Vying to Help Texas 

Build Gold Depository

Major international players in the precious metals industry — and some local upstarts — are hoping to get a piece of Texas’ plan to launch an official state gold bullion depository, and the wide range of pitches they're making suggests even basic details of the project remain up in the air.
More than a dozen companies responded to a recent request from Comptroller Glenn Hegar for input on the first-of-its-kind project. Gov. Greg Abbott signed House Bill 483 in June, directing Hegar to set up the country’s only state-run bullion depository. State Rep. Giovanni Capriglione, R-Southlake, began pushing the idea in 2013 but was only able to draw enough support from other lawmakers by requiring that the private sector run the depository and charge fees to cover its costs.
"With the passage of this bill, the Texas Bullion Depository will become the first state-level facility of its kind in the nation, increasing the security and stability of our gold reserves and keeping taxpayer funds from leaving Texas to pay for fees to store gold in facilities outside our state," Abbott said when he signed the bill.
The depository won’t just store state gold and other precious metals. The law requiresthat individual customers, and even school districts, be allowed to open accounts. Capriglione has described it as a bank that doesn’t do any lending. 
With few firm details in place, the project is drawing a wildly eclectic range of proposals, some more ambitious than others.
“We would build a 46,000+ square foot independent depository; a monument of the state of Texas,” wrote Texas Precious Metals, which runs a private bullion depository in Shiner, Texas. The company offered to construct a facility with 12-inch-thick reinforced concrete walls and a roof designed to “withstand the weight of a Boeing 767.”
Yet some larger corporations, including armored car giant Brink's, argued that the state doesn’t need to build anything to launch its depository. “Brink’s has several secure branch locations in the State of Texas so we would look to utilize existing facilities to provide the vault storage services,” the company wrote in its response to Hegar.
Las Vegas-based Anthem Vault proposed “multiple vaulting locations throughout Texas to enable all Texans access to their bullion within a reasonable distance from their homes.” The company also offered to set up a network of “coin shops and retail storefronts” to accept deposits on behalf of the state depository.
Some supporters of the Texas depository have framed it as a challenge to the U.S. Federal Reserve's control of the U.S. dollar, a view with a long history among the state's grassroots Republicans. Former Texas Congressman Ron Paul is often viewed as the leader of a national campaign to have the United States return to the days when the dollar was pegged to the gold standard. At Wednesday’s Republican presidential debate, U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz made a similar suggestion.
"I think the Fed should get out of the business of trying to juice our economy, and simply be focused on sound money and monetary stability, ideally tied to gold," Cruz said.
Several of the submissions to Hegar's office suggest that some companies are infusing their visions of the Texas Bullion Depository with unique political views.
“We here are in full support of Texas and their efforts to restore and defend our Constitution of this Republic to these United States of America,” wrote PMB&V of Spokane, Washington, which markets a Precious Metals Access Debit Card.
Texas Precious Metals predicted the depository could serve as “a unique alternative to the federal monetary system” in the event of a banking crisis.
Read the entire article here ...

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