Jan 16, 2016

A Negative Glitch In The Electoral College Which Didn't Matter Until Now

Get The Foundation Right Or The Whole House Will Suffer.

Common Sense Commentary: If you have doubts about the following article in The American Thinker, you can google the subject and find articles from Politico News, Real Clear Politics and others verifying the fact. Be sure to see my Common Sense Comment at the bottom. RB

How illegal immigrants help swing presidential elections to Democrats without even voting

By Thomas Lifson From The American Thinker

Thanks to the Constitution’s provision that House seats are apportioned to states based on the “whole number of persons in each state,” Electoral College membership (based on one elector per senator and one per representative) is skewed toward states that host a large number of illegal immigrants. And on balance, states with large numbers of illegals tend to vote Democrat in presidential elections, thus inflating the Electoral College totals for Democrats, and in a close race, making the difference.
They may not be able to vote (legally; in practice with no voter ID requirement, maybe), but illegals can determine the outcome.
Paul Goodman and Mark J. Rozell do the math in Politico Magazine:
Using citizen-only population statistics, American University scholar Leonard Steinhorn projects California would lose five House seats and therefore five electoral votes. New York and Washington would lose one seat, and thus one electoral vote apiece. These three states, which have voted overwhelming for Democrats over the latest six presidential elections, would lose seven electoral votes altogether. The GOP’s path to victory, by contrast, depends on states that would lose a mere three electoral votes in total. Republican stronghold Texas would lose two House seats and therefore two electoral votes. Florida, which Republicans must win to reclaim the presidency, loses one seat and thus one electoral vote.
Even more important is where those electoral votes would go if illegals were not counted:
The following ten states, the bulk of which lean Republican, would likely gain one House seat and thus one additional electoral vote: Iowa, Indiana, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, Montana, North Carolina, Ohio, Oklahoma and Pennsylvania. (snip)
…for analytic purposes, three of the states that would gain electoral votes are Democratic. The remaining seven are fairly put in the GOP column. Combining the two halves of the citizen-only population reapportionment, states likely in the Democratic column suffer a net loss of four electoral votes. Conversely the must-win Republican leaning states total a net gain of four electoral votes. These are the four electoral votes statistically cast by noncitizens.
Margins this small have made the difference in presidential elections:
One electoral vote decided the 1876 presidential election. A swing of three electoral votes in 2000 would have elected Al Gore.
Short of amending the Constitution, there is nothing that can be done to alter this. However, it is a factor to keep in mind in evaluating the attitudes of politicians toward open borders.
Hat tip: Ed Lasky
Common Sense Commentary: The above facts make Illegal aliens in the U.S., whether they vote or not, a political asset to the Democrats, which makes illegals "Undocumented Democrats" in a real sense.

Related to this glitch in the U.S. Census and the Electoral College, here is an article from The Weekly Standard telling of an admonishment of Ted Cruz, by the Left-Wing, New York times and NPR. In it they were blaming him for referring to illegal aliens as "Undocumented Democrats", which he did not invent out of thin air, if he said it at all. Rush Limbaugh gets the credit for the term. RB

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