Feb 11, 2016

Common Sense Is The Fruit Of Wisdom, Reason, Logic And A Rational Mind

Common Sense Commentary: Wisdom is the proper use of knowledge. Wisdom Exceeds Knowledge As Knowledge Exceeds Information. Why does God bless some with wisdom and not others? They don't want it bad enough to pray for it. "If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally.... and it shall be given him." James 1:5.   Before a person asks and attains wisdom from God, they must first know their need for it. Knowing they
"lack wisdom" is honest humility, which is the proper attitude in which to approach God, in prayer. Wisdom, like love, is a quality available to all who resolutely seek it for their soul's sake.... in their service to God and man. Even a retarded person can pray for and receive wisdom. So, can an Atheist or an idiot seek wisdom? Only if they cease to be an Atheist or an idiot. Both may study and acquire great knowledge, and do. The world has a host of highly educated idiots and Atheists.  Many are famous and powerful, and often in pulpits, education, politics, business and science. Nothing is more dangerous and villainous than an educated idiot or Atheist.

The Rational Mind
Rayburn Blair at 85

It stands to reason
Is logically sound
In God's own season
On all solid ground

Good Sense gets born
And matures with age
A crown to be worn
It is wisdom's wage

Some lives to anoint
To give light to the blind
And that is the point
Of a rational mind

1 comment:

  1. Amen!!
    Here's another example of Dad's prose that he wrote many years ago honoring his mother:

    I Love You Mom

    For the years you loved me
    Before I ever knew
    For the tears you hid
    When I did not love you
    For the million miles you worked
    For your family
    For prayers you prayed
    To God for me
    For the wonderful home
    We kids are from
    For all you were and are
    I love you Mom


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