Jul 14, 2016

Ignore The Heros ... Honor The Thugs, Thieves And Drug Addicts

Common Sense Commentary: Isaiah 1:4 "... they have forsaken the LORD, they have provoked the Holy One of Israel unto anger, they are gone away backward." 

While Major General Greene was buried, Barack Obama was golfing. The vice president wasn't there either. Neither was the secretary of defense. Flags were not even lowered to half-staff.  https://www.washingtonpost.com/.../obamas-silence...
Four days after Harold Greene gave his life for America, Michael Brown was killed in Ferguson, Missouri. Brown was at best a thug. In the minutes before his death, he committed a robbery at a local convenience store. According to other reports, Brown struck Officer Darren Wilson and shattered his orbital bone.
Obama sent a three-person delegation to Brown's funeral! Obama would not attend the funeral of the highest ranking military officer killed in the line of duty since 9/11, yet he sent a delegation to the funeral of a thug.

When Margaret Thatcher, one of America's staunchest allies and Ronald Reagan's partner in bringing down Soviet communism, died, Obama  sent only a small low-level delegation to her funeral.
The snub was not missed by the British.
When Chris Kyle, the most lethal American sniper in history was murdered, there was no expression of sympathy from the White House.
But when Whitney Houston died from drug overdose, Obama ordered all flags be flown at half mast.
There was no White House delegation at the funeral of an American hero. American heroes die and Obama goes to the golf course. A thug dies and he gets a White House delegation.

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