Sep 18, 2016

Trump's Best Campaign Ad Is The Only Truth Obama Ever Told

Common Sense Commentary: When Obama was campaigning against Hillary, eight hears ago, he told every corrupt thing he could discover, from her Democrat friends, about her ... all of which were a matter of public record. Now, he contradicts all those truths by lying about how good a president she would make. The biggest mystery among Democrat politicians is, which of them is the most proficient liar on planet earth. If I were a Democrat, I would not admit it lest I expose my ignorance or moral deficiency. The only vote I would cast for Hillary is as winner of the global liars contest. I can't imagine any honest, moral person being a member of the party of abortion, homosexual marriage, anti-police, political corruption, legalizing illegal drugs and on and on. If I suddenly found myself a passenger on the rotting hulk of the Democrat tramp freighter, crewed by pirates infected with contagious political diseases, I would jump overboard with the sharks and swim for the nearest palm tree. Trump's best campaign ad is the video below of Obama's litany of offences and corruption, eight years ago, committed by Hillary up to that point. Those crimes and violations have now mushroomed exponentially at the speed of her globe trotting as Sec. of State, but, now Obama brags on her and the media ignores the contradiction and her long list of crimes and lies. RB

Click here: TRUMP’S BEST CAMPAIGN AD EVER Just Came From Barack Obama…ENJOY! [VIDEO] | EndingFed News Network

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