Oct 27, 2016

Is There A Great American Awakening Stirring Among Patriots?

 There is in this black, lady patriot

Common Sense Commentary: Once in a while I see something that strikes me like one midnight, in 1949, when, as a young Marine, I stood under London's Big Ben clock tower when that mammoth clock struck 12:00 resounding, thunderous times. Big Ben is actually the name of the largest of its five bells which play a  melody whose lyrics pray, "Lord our God: Be Thou our guide: That by thy help: No foot may slide"That was when London was still London not Londonistan and the Old London, mystic and English atmosphere ran up and down my spine. WWII had just been won. The Nazis had been vanquished. and London was rebuilding. Big Ben had survived the German blitz, and I heard the echo of an ancient, British lamplighter walking his post and loudly announcing .... "Twelve Midnight and all is well". The one bell, Big Ben, is 7 by 9 feet in size and weights 14 tons. The five are housed in a tower 316 feet high, but God had protected that British icon and all was well.

When I hear a black, former Obama supporter speak out with this lady's courage and determination, I hear Big Ben begin to strike midnight in no uncertain terms and maybe there is hope for our declining America.

This from BlackPac Blog

Black Female Trump Supporter Leaves News Anchors SPEECHLESS

After the last Presidential debate, WGN 9 News invited Brunell Donald-Kyei, a Chicago based lawyer who happens to be a black female who supports Donald Trump, on air to talk about her preferred candidate.

Obviously looking to try and play their typical media games of discrediting Trump supporters, specifically those of us who are black, the WGN 9 anchors were left speechless after they discovered that they had bitten off far more than they could chew.

In short, Brunell Donald-Kyei absolutely owned the interview and the anchors, and delivered an incredibly passionate and commonsense argument for her support of Trump

To see the video interview click on link below...


1 comment:

  1. That was fantastic!! Two elitist idiots sitting there with a total look of confusion .... why? 'cause they've been drinking the Democratic kool-aid.
    I loved it.


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