Dec 27, 2016

Tech Developing A Mirror Image Brain/Personality In Robot

Common Sense Commentary: My thought that the "Image of the beast" in (Rev.13:15) may be a Robot with a Computer brain programmed with the "image and likeness" (agenda, philosophy and desires) of the beast (world system) of the Antichrist, seems conformable to continuing developments in both fields.  I suspect it is Antichrist's computer programmed world view of a world system concentrated in a robotic brain. "And he had power to give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of the beast should both speak, and cause that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be killed." Rev.13:15.

Below is a Russian Billionaire who is funding the creation of just such a speaking, thinking, acting image monstrosity of himself, which he hopes will let him "live forever". All is a huge physical counterfeit of a spiritual reality. As Satan has counterfeited every other holy thing of God, he is now working on a counterfeit Human  and a counterfeit eternal life. Though eternal life cannot be successfully reproduced, in counterfeit, the effort could lead to an "image of the beast" containing a mental and mirror likeness of the Antichrist, plus be programmed with all the other important, accumulated knowledge of world libraries and information already computerized. A seemingly ideal plan for running the whole world from a robotic computerized brain. A brain whose powers of decision making, based on the world's knowledge and information, but expertly programmed to eliminate contradictions of false information or which conflicts with Antichrist's world vision. Such a super computerized, beastly machine, constantly improving and updating itself, could function a thousand years .,.. Except he will only have seven from the Rapture to the end of the Tribulation Period, before Jesus returns to set up His own Millennial Kingdom. This replicates, with added hi-tech improvement, a first such effort by the builders of the Tower of Babel.  Ham, one of the three sons of Noah, stepped out of the Ark and fathered the dwellers of Sodom and Gomorrah, as well as the Canaanites, Jebusites, Amorites, Cush, also those of Nineveh and finally the man Nimrod. He it was who led in the futile effort of building the Tower Of Babel as a means of reaching heaven. It was another Luciferic heresy of conquering God and taking over His throne. The Lord let the tower builders continue until they had no doubt expended years of energy and wealth, but had also grown in knowledge, power, experience and unity. Then He confused their common language and hindered their increasing expansion, power and accumulated knowledge... That stopped them temporarily but, in the last days knowledge shall again be increased. Daniel prophesied that in "the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased." Daniel 12:4

Back when the Babylonians grew in extraordinary knowledge, power and arrogant ambition to climb up into the presence of God, He saw it as an act of audacious egotism and an in your face threat against all that is holy, so He put a stop to it.

"And the Lord said, Behold, the people is one, and they have all one language; and this they begin to do: and now nothing will be restrained from them, which they have imagined to do." Gen.11:6. In these words, the Lord reveals the almost unlimited power of human knowledge and possibility. He created us in His own image and likeness, which includes a lesser portion of knowledge, power and presense in the image and likeness of His own  infinite Omniscience, Omnipotence, and Omnipresence.

This from the London Telegraph

Media Mogul Dmitry Itsoknv Plans 
To Live Forever By Uploading His 
Personality To A Robot

By Kate Palmer, business reporter

Money can buy you immortality, according to the Russian internet multi-millionaire who is ploughing a fortune into a project to create a human that never dies.

Web entrepreneur Dmitry Itskov is behind the “2045 Initiative”, an ambitious experiment to bring about immortality within the next 30 years by creating a robot capable of storing human personalities.

The group of neuroscientists, robot builders and consciousness researchers say they can create an android that is capable of uploading someone’s personality.

Mr Itskov, who has made a reported £1bn from his Moscow-based news publishing company, is the project's financial backer.

"Different scientists call it uploading or they call it mind transfer. I prefer to call it personality transfer" - Dmitry Itskov

They believe that robots can store a person's thoughts and feelings because brains function in the same way as a computer.

It would work by uploading a digital version of a human brain to an android – effectively rebooting a person’s mind – which would take the form of a robotic copy of a human body or, once technology has developed, a hologram with a full human personality.

Dmitry Itskov says his group of scientists and robot-makers can make immortality a reality within three decades Dmitry Itskov says his group of scientists and robot-makers can make immortality a reality within three decades Mr Itskov, who at 35 has amassed a fortune from his Internet media firm New Media Stars, says he is “100pc sure it will happen”.

He told BBC Horizon in a documentary that airs Wednesday: “If there is no immortality technology, I’ll be dead in the next 35 years.”

The project’s first step is to create a robot that can be controlled using the mind.

Erik Sorto, who was shot and paralyzed from the neck down at the age of 21, can now control a robotic arm with his mind, thanks to sensors implanted in his brain Erik Sorto, who was shot and paralysed from the neck down at the age of 21, can now control a robotic arm with his mind, thanks to sensors implanted in his brain The documentary-makers travel to California, where a quadriplegic Californian man, Erik Sorto, is attempting to control a robot arm with his thoughts.

“The ultimate goal of my plan is to transfer someone’s personality into the new artificial carrier,” Mr Itskov told the Horizon documentary, writes The Sunday Times.

“Different scientists call it uploading or they call it mind transfer. I prefer to call it personality transfer.”

This from Fightland's Motherboard

Companies Want to Replicate Your Dead Loved Ones With Robot Clones
Written by 



In 2003, the wife of a 55-year-old Vietnamese carpenter named Le Van died. Heartbroken, he dug up her grave, cast her body in clay and slept next to "her" for five years. The story is unsettling, but there’s also something universal about his struggle to let go. Many grieving people feel an emotional connection to things that represent dead loved ones, such as headstones, urns and shrines, according to grief counselors. 

In the future, people may take that phenomenon to stunning new heights: Artificial intelligence experts predict that humans will replace dead relatives with synthetic robot clones, complete with a digital copy of that person's brain. 

“It’s like when people stuff a pet cat or dog. We don’t stuff humans but this is a way of ‘stuffing’ their information, their personality and mannerisms,” said Bruce Duncan, managing director of Terasem Movement, a research foundation that aims to “transfer human consciousness to computers and robots.” 

The firm has already created thousands of highly detailed “mind clones” to log the memories, values and attitudes of specific people. Using the data, scientists created one of the world's most socially advanced robots, a replica of Terasem Movement founder Martine Rothblatt’s wife, called Bina48, which sells for roughly $150,000. 

Rothblatt, who is also transgender and the highest paid female CEO in America, spearheaded the project to create a digital replica the human brain. She used her wife, Bina Aspen, as an early prototype, installing the real Bina’s “mind file” into a physical robot designed to look like her. 

Made of a skin-like rubber, Bina48 was created using more than 100 hours of audio data recorded by the human Bina about her memories and beliefs. Like the real Bina, the robot “loves” flowers, has mocha-colored skin and a self-deprecating sense of humor. She makes facial expressions, greets people and has conversations (including some awkward ones), made possible with facial and voice recognition software, motion tracking, and internet connectivity. 

Bina48 still has some social glitches, but she’s a working proof of concept—the firm’s almost-charming poster girl for the techno-immortality movement. She’s example of how, in the future, the wall between biological and digital worlds may come crashing down, Duncan said. “The definition of ‘alive’ may even evolve to mean, ‘as long as your essential personal information continues to be organized and accessible,” he said. A more advanced version of robots like Bina48 could hit the market within 10 or 20 years for roughly $25,000 to $30,000 for variety of uses, including replicating dead loved ones, Duncan predicted. “It will seem new because the technology will be new. But the desire to keep in contact with someone after he or she passes away isn’t new,” he said. “Anthropologically, we’ve been projecting personhood onto inanimate objects for hundreds of years.” “Think of it this way,” he added. “When the compass was invented, we were suddenly able to traverse the world in a whole new way. But the compass isn’t responsible for giving us wanderlust.” At least 56,000 people have already handed over information to create mindfiles, a web-based storage space for preserving “one’s unique and essential characteristics for the future,” according to Lifenaut, a branch of the Terasem Movement that gathers human personality data for free. The goal is to capture a person’s attitudes, beliefs and memories and create a database that one day will be analogged and uploaded to a robot or holograph, according to the Lifenaut website. Everything down to a person’s mannerisms and quirks can be recreated.Some users simply like the idea of living forever. Others want to document themselves as a part of human history. Some hope to pass on an artistic project or genealogical information to offspring. Fewer will use it to “memorialize” and “communicate with” the dead, Duncan said.His firm isn’t the only company plugging into the idea of AI clones. Last year, Google filed patent papers for a product that could replicate a specific human’s personality, including that of “a deceased loved one” or a “celebrity.”The patent describes a cloud-based system in which a digital “personality” can be downloaded like an app. “The robot personality may also be modifiable within a base personality construct to provide states or moods representing transitory conditions of happiness, fear, surprise,” the patent papers state. “The robot personality [will be] sharable across a number of robots in varying locations.”The patent also states the robot’s mood could shift and its personality could evolve over time. A Google rep declined to comment new developments. But new patent papers were filed in mid-February, indicating the project is moving forward. 

Tech giants may be throwing their weight at the concept — but similar projects have failed before. Six years ago, the now-defunct company Intellitar launched a digital clone promising users “virtual eternity,” and the ability to communicate with a person’s digital self after death. Users uploaded photos, voice samples and personality tests to create an “avatar” brain for $25 a month. But the startup shut down after two years, in part, because it pulled in only 10,000 customers. 

If the idea sounds familiar, maybe that’s because it has inspired popular science fiction, including an episode of the British sci-fi drama Black Mirror. In the chilling episode, titled “Be Right Back,” a woman orders a digital replacement of her dead boyfriend through an online service. Later, she upgrades to a synthetic robot clone of him, and sex, emotional dependency, and creepiness ensues. 

In real life, there's an actual demand for robot reincarnation, grief experts say. “People find grief to be a painful, even excruciating experience. If this is a way to ease that pain, it will be attractive to people,” said Robert Zucker, a grief counselor and author of The Journey Through Grief and Loss. 

But like relying too heavily on prescription pills, it may not be a healthy way to cope. “There’s something tremendously problematic about it,” said Zucker. “It seems driven by fear, a desire to numb pain and make the world not feel sorrow. We would be deluding ourselves.However he added, “There are many ways of grieving that are strange and extreme. As long as it doesn’t inhibit that person from moving on with his or her life in a healthy way—maybe it could work for somebody.” 

Tech experts admit it will probably take decades before robot reincarnation becomes socially acceptable. “It may take a generation or two for tech like ‘mindfile’ to evolve into a more mainstream form of memorialization,” Duncan suggested. 

The concept isn’t that far from current ways we use technology to remember the deceased, he claimed. “People think nothing of watching videos of important past events in our lives like weddings and birthdays. It's quite possible that, socially, it'll become more and more acceptable to engage with digital personas of past people in more dynamic and interactive ways,” Duncan said. 

But scientists may never fully capture the essence of a human being, Zucker contended. "There's more to a person than their intellect and experiences. There's a spiritual aspect.” 

Ultimately, we should embrace the things that make us human—even pain, said Zucker. "If people believe they can skip over grief, they’re losing an opportunity. It teaches us about life and love. And it’s part of the human condition.”

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