Jan 12, 2017

New Study: Liberals Far More Likely To Commit Crime

Common Sense Commentary: Any adult American with one eye and half sense already knew this. The high percentage of police case records and incarcerated criminals identifying themselves as Democrats is all that's needed to prove the point. Ask people walking the sidewalks in high crime districts what political party they prefer or if they are Liberal or Conservative. Regardless of the Liberal Fact Check, left footed dance around these studies, if you clear your mind and think about it, the likelihood of it being true is 100%. But the Snopeses of this world will, no doubt throw heaps of rotting refuse on the facts which are more obvious than a Hell's Angel Biker at a country Baptist Church.  RB

This from Constitution (Defending the union from threats foreign and domestic)

New Study Shows Liberals far More Likely to Commit Crime than Conservatives

The results of a new study conducted by researchers from the University of Cincinnati, Florida State University, and Pennsylvania State University are sending shockwaves across the nation. These are Liberal not Conservative Universities

Four researchers sought to discover whether or not political ideology could predict involvement in criminal activity, but what they found could upend our entire political and criminal justice systems. 

Political ideology represents an imperfect yet important indicator of a host of personality traits and cognitive preferences. These preferences, in turn, seemingly propel liberals and conservatives towards divergent life-course experiences. Criminal behavior represents one particular domain of conduct where differences rooted in political ideology may exist. Using a national dataset, we test whether and to what extent political ideology is predictive of self-reported criminal behavior. Our results show that self-identified political ideology is mono-tonically related to criminal conduct cross-sectionally and prospectively and that liberals self-report more criminal conduct than do conservatives. We discuss potential causal mechanisms relating political ideology to individual conduct. The data was gathered through “self-reported” behavior and it therefore cannot be trusted as a fool-proof result, but it is instructive in explaining important cultural differences between conservatives and liberals. The data gathered and research presented seems to indicate a very strong correlation between political ideology and willingness to commit criminal behavior! 

The researchers do caution against assuming a “causal relationship between liberal political ideology and criminal conduct,” but they also observe that there is corresponding research that shows political conservatives are more closely associated with reduced criminal behavior. 

There is apparent scholarly agreement that conservatives more strongly value social order, respect for authority, and social conformity and that conservatives are more religious, more conscientious, and demonstrate higher levels of self-control. These traits and values likely influence lifestyle choices in ways that better insulate conservatives against criminal behavior. Moreover, conservative narratives about “free will, personal responsibility, and morality may gel into cognitive scripts that condemn criminal conduct as immoral and worthy of social sanctions. The researchers also point out that academics and philosophers are realizing more and more that political ideology may play a larger role in our daily life than most people realize. In fact, political ideology may indicate what a person believes, thinks, and does in more places than just the voting booth. 

Overall, our study joins a growing stream of empirical assessments that document differences between liberals and conservatives. Collectively, these studies show the potent yet often unexamined role political ideology plays in everyday life. Political ideology represents more than disparate views on the proper role of government and adherence to refined political theories. Ideology rejects an assortment of correlated beliefs and narratives about behavior that are internalized by individuals. These narratives likely impact individual choices, making some choices more likely and other choices less likely. Criminal behavior may also reject choices rooted in ideological narratives—narratives that promote or reduce the occurrence of crime.

1 comment:

  1. Who would have thought?
    Logic is hard to deny.
    I want to be liberal in my love for others and faithful in my respect as well.


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