May 4, 2017

Democrat Policy: Swear One Thing; Do The Opposite

And Do Both With Fervent Passion.....

You Would Think Democrat Voters Would Finally Awaken To Their Party's Hypocrisy And Throw The Bums Out ... 

Common Sense Commentary: President Bill Clinton, speaking for the Democrats, took a firm stand on dealing with illegal aliens and then took an immediate about face and redoubled the Democrat policy of radically increasing the import of all aliens and immigrants, illegal and otherwise, into our country, and paying the financial costs for all of them. This video of the Democrats Party's mammoth lies and hypocrisy is just 84 seconds long but powerful. Please Pass it along. It is startlingly clear that Democrats say what Americans want to hear but almost invariably do the exact opposite. This video, less than 2 minutes long, proves that fact without question. RB %20c4351026/c

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