May 15, 2017

If You Are Still Uncertain What God's Will Is

Spend more time studying God's word. Even prayer is weak in faith and out of focus without a foundation upon God's revealed word ... from which to launch your prayer. "But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering. For he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven with the wind and tossed." James 1:6. So where does that essential element of "faith" come from? "... faith cometh by hearing ... the word of God." Rom.10:17.

Here is a formula by which I have often come to know God's will for moving mountains in my life and ministry. First, search God's word, the Bible, to see if your question, need or fear is answered somewhere in the pages of Scripture. If it is, you have your answer and need not search further. But if you cannot find God's will for you answered in His word, pray for Him to reveal it to you. And as you continue to pray ... ("Pray without ceasing." 1 Thess.5:17), go into information action. Read or search the internet for factual information related to the questionable subject. Ask advice from experts in the field of your problem, professionals, doctors, lawyers, or Christian friends who have shown maturity, wisdom and spiritual depth.

If you still do not arrive at an answer for exactly what God's will is, follow the admonition of Col.3:15 "And let the peace of God rule in your hearts...."
The word "rule" in that verse is the Greek word brabeuo and means, "To act as judge or umpire".  In other words, if you are well acquainted with God's word, have prayed about God's will for you and have learned all you can about the facts surrounding your problem or need, then you are in the right mind to simply do what God gives you peace about. But if you are not grounded in His word and are not prayed up and well informed, the devil might give you a false "peace" or assurance. It all comes back to the absolute necessity of walking with God, in the "narrow way", as the only way for our lives.

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