Jun 1, 2017

Massive Voter Fraud Proven In Virginia

Fix This Cancerous Crime Now Or It Will Doom Our Freedoms

Common Sense Commentary: As usual, the Democrat Party officials prove themselves to be purveyors of lies, false statistics, and unconscionable lawbreakers with not a sign of legal action or legislation, by wimpy Republicans, to remedy this mammoth, longstanding, political problem. Voter fraud, on a large scale, is a fact and practically everyone knows it, but Democrats deny it because nearly all of the illegal voting is done by them. RB

Voter Fraud in Virginia Verified: 
Thousands of Illegal Votes Counted

Democrats love to feebly attempt to bury the realities of voter fraud by downplaying its existence, or denying that it is even possible in the first place. This has been their malignant modus operandi for some time.  By nullifying the worries of their voters by throwing a wet blanket over the very possibility of illegal votes being cast, their constituents have fallen into line behind their leaders to argue against any legislation that would make voting more accurate and enforceable. 

Meanwhile, of course, Republicans have been keen to the reality of this trickery for a good, long time.  Democrats spend such an extraordinary amount of time dismissing the possibility of voter fraud swinging an election simply because that allows them to employ the tactics they’ve ignored in order to win elections.  It happens every 2 years in American politics – story after story comes out about two cemeteries’ worth of Democrats helping to solidify the umpteenth term of whichever incumbent Democrat was clever enough to register them without getting caught. 

It doesn’t end at the funeral home either.  Democratic candidates have leaned heavily on state-level pals to rearrange the legal requirements for voting in order to weight the polls in their favor. 

Now, Virginia has an entirely different type of voter fraud to contend with:  The eligibility of 5,500 undocumented immigrants to cast votes. 

“When Maureen Erickson registered to vote in Prince William County, she listed her home address as a street in Guatemala, in what should have been a very strong indication that she wasn’t a regular Virginia resident. 

“Yet she remained on the voting rolls for years, and even cast ballots in 14 different elections, up through the 2008 presidential contest. She was only purged in 2012, just ahead of the election, after she self-reported as a noncitizen, according to a new report released Tuesday by the Public Interest Legal Foundation. 

“Ms. Erickson was one of more than 5,500 noncitizens who were registered to vote in Virginia this decade and were only bumped from the rolls after they admitted to being ineligible. Some 1,852 of them even managed to cast ballots that were likely illegal, though undetected", the PILF, a conservative voter integrity group, said in its report. 

“Just as troubling", the PILF said, was "Virginia’s efforts to try to hide the information from the public" — a problem foundation President J. Christian Adams said began at the very top, with Gov. Terry McAuliffe. "At the instruction of Governor McAuliffe’s political appointees, local election officials spent countless resources to prevent this information from spilling into the open", Mr. Adams said in a statement releasing the report. "From NoVa to Norfolk and all urban and rural points in between, alien voters are casting ballots with practically no legal consequences in response." Terry McCauliffe’s name may ring a bell with many election watchers:  The long time buddy of democratic failure and corrupt career politician Hillary Clinton restored voting rights to 60,000 felons in the state of Virginia just in time for 2016’s election.  His blatant and frankly disturbing obsession with stacking the deck in favor of anyone on the left is truly pathetic.  McCauliffe’s inability to curb illegal alien voter fraud in his state has proven once again that the inept governor is nothing more than a lapdog for the deceitful Democrats.

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